Liberal Lawfare’s Collateral Damage

11 days ago

Liberal Lawfare’s Collateral Damage

Starships first launch revealed a hint of what was to come. It started with an eco-warrior trying to find EPA violations. A Texas cicada flapped its wings and Bezos smiled. The FAA decided to also toss a bone to the Butterfly effect crowd. A landing strut broke on a returning Falcon booster so the FAA grounded Starship, but they did allow the Polaris Dawn mission to go up using the same type of booster that supposedly caused the Starship hold by FAA. They also allowed another launch of the rescue mission for the stranded astronauts, once again using the same system. They later stated the hold is because of the new plan to do what Spacex has planned to do all along...come back to the pad and grab the upper stage with mechazilla. As far as safety is concerned Spacex actually does something called continuous improvement. Many corporations pick that idea up because of government contracting requirements and it just isn’t the same. Spacex actually figured out how to use their escape system on the Dragon capsule to make a safe landing in case of a tangled chute system. Take note Boeing, please make flying a little less exciting. The FCC illegally revoked a Starlink contract that would have put (19,562) active locations into NC just in time for dealing with the damage caused by Hurricane Helene. I’ve run across a few too many people that argue “Well the power is out there now so it wouldn’t have worked anyway.” That’s pretty lame actually. Quite a large number of people in those areas could have gotten together with others in the area and hooked their solar panels together to power some of those locations and a lot of people have generators. Communication is everything in a situation like this. One thing that the left forgets in times like these is that being an asshole is only affordable when everything is moving along just fine. In times like these people learn to work together.
Brett Cooper of The Daily Wire did a good expose on FEMA not having that much money right now. Link is below. I wonder where that money has been going. Illegal immigrants maybe? Yeah, I’m thinking that Op-ed in the NYT ‘We Can Replace Them’ is underway but who doesn’t know that already. I can’t help but wonder what kind of crap the left is dreaming up to cheat the election since the affected areas are mostly conservative. They never let a good disaster go to waste, do they?

Roe V Wade ended the government abortion law and put it back to the states. That was way back in mid 2022. You would think that as states enacted their versions of laws dealing with the abortion issue that Hospitals would have gotten out in front of it to determine what is and is not allowed. Nope. They haven’t done that. Every time a leftist politician goes on about somebody dying in a Hospital parking lot because doctors were confused, I see dancing covid Nazis in hospitals. Those deaths look more and more like leftist collateral damage created to build talking points and political hits. What are a few deaths when it comes to the importance of feeding the leftist fantasy of the Uber Nanny State? We’ve come a long way baby. Bush 41 had a million points of light and Obama’s two lap dummies have given us a million points of blight.

It is stunning to watch who does and does not pick up on the insanity we’re living through. Musk is doing clean up on aisle 666 because of the Boeing Starliner capsule fiasco. He would have had coms locked down in NC and we’d all be well on our way to Mars if it wasn’t for the leftist minions in government positions ruling with the wisdom and acumen of lobotomized armadillos. The Hill seems to get it sort of. They had one article that pointed out that Twitter being opened up to free speech was a bridge too far and the left has Trump as leftist enemy of the state #1 with Musk who is elevating humanity sitting at #2. The rest of the lefty Luddite Strumpets of the media are all slipping into their red skirts and spraying on a few more layers of stink pretty before they take up their positions on street corners and back alleys!

The DNC views themselves as the party of Jefferson. Too bad they’re illiterate with no sense of history. Europe is “Going back!” using illegal immigration.

"To constrain the brute force of the people, the European
governments deem it necessary to keep them down by hard labor,
poverty and ignorance, and to take from them, as from bees, so
much of their earnings, as that unremitting labor shall be
necessary to obtain a sufficient surplus to sustain a scanty and
miserable life." --Thomas Jefferson 1823.

It is time for us to pick up the mantle of Freedom and steal that favorite new slogan the left likes to use so much here lately? “We will not go back!”

"Man once surrendering his reason, has no remaining guard against
absurdities the most monstrous, and like a ship without rudder, is
the sport of every wind." --Thomas Jefferson, 1822.

Many of us smelled a rat after the 2020 election. I smell treason.

(I put that dancing hospital personnel in there because those people weren’t really doing anything other than celebrating the view they had made it and were winning. In their minds. The real issue here is how did the many who had family members and weren’t able to be with them because of covid were thrilled to see this? Also, what happened here was because of China’s mishandling of the initial leak. This entire mess brought a lot of problems into the open. Cleanup will take a long time. Oh, and Fauci sucks!)

Brett Cooper This Is Why You Should Never Trust The Government

This is from the Daily Mail

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