Road From Nowhere “Teaser”

12 days ago

Been hard to continue my path here on IG or anywhere else for that matter, since the war on energy and Covid that the radical government forced many including myself into exile, ending yet another career in ten years under the guise of kindness. I no longer do lighting for Netflix, or DP for Indy features and work in the camera dept for Movies Of the Week (MOW). We are in a new kind of war today, WWIII is not being fought with bombs (yet), it’s a war of information, division and marxist ideology. Many are not educated enough to know what has them in its grip, the many mindlessly listen to propaganda, a shock in our country today. So much so, that people are in denial and fear takes them, opposing anybody who says something different than the TV, even though it is true. Fortunately, many are waking up. It has thinned the herd that follows me, but I feel it is quite possibly a stronger following. I hope this sheds some light on my post here this evening, especially at the end of the video when I basically give up, realizing all I’m left with is Bear shit. Not true BTW. However, I’ve lost all my networks, film teams and thus direction. “Bear” with me as I figure out what to do with this channel. I’m curious to know if anyone would like me to post my story of what happened to me over the past decade. I figure I could make a ton of episodes, as I’ve got 12,000 photos/videos document my time. Anyway, thanks for sticking with me in this difficult time. Cheers 🥂 ✌🏼💙

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