Boston Blackie, classic radio from 1949.

3 months ago

The year, 1949. When Hollywood was Hollywoodland and they knew how to right good dramas. Woke was what is what you did after you slept. Liberals did exist but they kept a very low profile. This better times radio program is called Boston Blackie or as I jokingly like to call it, Boise Blackie. Ya, I know weak. We'll hope you enjoy it. If you would like to hear more from Blackie or maybe something from Sam Spade, Nero Wolfe, Rocky Jordon, Richard Diamond 💎. Let me know in the comments. Enjoy.
PS. This takes quite a while to create or more accurately. To put together and edit into a finished product. On a PC it doesn't take long at all but doing all the recording and editing from my Galaxy Fold 4, takes much longer. When I can afford to I want to by a laptop or PC that's good for editing 10-11 hour videos. As well as short clips. I'm not going to ask for donations because everyone does that in one way or the other in their own way. I'll put a link to my PayPal account and go where the Lord leads you. All prays for Keith and Jessica Schlote will be appreciated and excepted.

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