Eminem's New Role: Grandpa! 🎉 Hailie Jade’s Big Baby News Revealed! 👶💙 || eminem

5 months ago

Eminem's New Role: Grandpa! 🎉 Hailie Jade’s Big Baby News Revealed! 👶💙 || eminem

#Eminem #GrandpaEminem #HailieJade #BabyOnTheWay #EminemFamily #ExcitingNews #CircleOfLife #EminemFans #RapLegend #FamilyMilestone

Eminem is going to be a grandpa
Grandpa is the new role that Eminem is assuming in his life.

The rapper revealed in a new music video for his song "Temporary," starring Skylar Grey, on Thursday that his 28-year-old daughter Hailie Jade is expecting her first child.

A blue blouse with the words "Grandpa" on the back is given to her father by Jade, a podcaster and musician, at one point in the film.

After that, Eminem looks shocked and holds up a sonogram picture, and Jade laughs and grins at her dad's response to the news.

The music video features a collage of home films from Jade and Eminem's early years intercut with images from her most recent marriage to Evan McClintock.

At one point, Enimen raps lyrics on the circle of life, dedicating the song to Jade. He says, "So Hailie Jade, I wrote this song to help you cope with life when I'm gone."

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