Canadians say NO to electric vehicles

5 months ago

In a desperate attempt to reach their unattainable net-zero goals, the Trudeau government wants to ban the sale of new gas and diesel vehicles by 2035. Despite all the corporate handouts by all levels of government, it’s becoming increasingly clear Canadians don’t want to drive electric vehicles. In fact, a new Leger poll commissioned by the Canadian Taxpayers Federation reveals that the majority of Canadians oppose the Trudeau government’s electric vehicle mandate.

Plus, the Trudeau Liberals have become so desperate to convince others that the carbon tax is sound policy, two Trudeau government ministers have offered a briefing to NDP leader Jagmeet Singh to once again get his support for the punitive tax that does nothing for the environment while pushing up the cost of living.

And the scandal involving Sustainable Development Technology Canada, a green organization founded by the government and accused of funding projects closely tied to its board of directors, continues to worsen. This week, House of Commons Speaker Greg Fergus ruled that the government defied the authority of Parliament by refusing to hand over documents pertaining to the scandal.

These stories and more on Off the Record with guest host Kris Sims, Rachel Parker and Noah Jarvis!

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