OMG! - MSNBC Election Interference and an audience of dumbed down people

2 days ago

Diane Bee 🐝, [15 357 views, 4 Oct 2024 at 09:00:50]:
Holy Smokes Batman… 👀

MSNBC Executive BUSTED on Tape stating their Viewers are Brainwashed and Dumb, Admitting they’re Goal is to do everything they Can to get Kamala Harris Elected

James O’Keefe must have the hottest undercover reporters to get these people to spill the beans… right?

Great work from OMG here, the "left" are a tightly knit bunch of marxist-zionists and they are absolutely petrified of Trump getting back in Office, which is why the accuse President Trump of EVERYTHING that they do. This has been a long trait, part of the deep-state since Biden, Obama, and Hillary Clinton colluded with the FBI, CIA, MI6, Mossad with the "Russiagate" hoax. The deep-state cabal, their entire infrastructure is based on Child/Human Trafficking, Drug running, war mongering, scare mongering, and much much more....and their "matrix" is being destroyed. The mockingbird media are part of the deep-state, it's all propaganda and a huge dollop of celebrities do distract the masses; the false prophets of Hollywood, the ones who hate Trump, the ones who tricked you into taking a genetic bioweapon packaged as a "vaccine".

Are you waking up yet?

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