Jackie Deal Outlines CCP's Goal of Infiltrating U.S. Schools

5 months ago

10/03/2024 Jackie Deal, president of Long Term Strategy Group, cites the CCP's infiltration of the Nationalist Party's Whampoa Military Academy as an example of the CCP's goal of infiltrating American schools and universities by “using their access to recruit at their rival’s expense.”
#EducationInfiltration #FinancialInfluence #unitedfront #Oklahoma
10/03/2024 长期战略集团总裁杰基·迪尔以中共渗透国民党黄埔军校为例,讲述中共渗透美国中小学和大学的目标,即“利用这种接触,以牺牲对手利益为代价招兵买马”。
#教育渗透 #金融影响 #统一战线 #中共 #俄克拉荷马

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