JUAN O SAVIN- The Difficult Moment - JMC 10 2 2024

2 days ago

Juan really has an amazing program here with John Michael Chambers. https://rumble.com/v5hbsnn-john-and-juan-107-intel-insights-brace-for-imminent-impact-10324.html
This was recorded right after the VP debate. And right at sunset at the beach in Kona HI. If you did not know the Native Hawaiians blow a huge Conch Shell at sunset in the four directions. Very old tradition and Juan shows this for a very divine purpose. The conch shell has been used in celebrations since ancient times and has sacred meaning in Hawaiian culture. The Pu is blown in a specific pattern to call for Mana, or energy, and to ensure a long and harmonious life.
Getting quickly into the Mortgage Money Laundering and what Shawn Taylor has been revealing.
CCP money has been going directly into this corruption. We might have some Difficult Moments coming.
Verizon Wireless was effected by outages when they announced they co-opted with other Companies. A very interesting problem that Boone Cutler talked about here and it has to do with a "digital Twin" that all of us have. Our Data is the focus. https://rumble.com/v5guhal-boone-cutler-how-to-fight-ai-and-focus-on-30-meters-clip-nino-9-24-2024.html
Juan gets into the Battle Field and how Trump has been briefed. Is the Iran Conflict actually the one attacking Israel? Are they the ones wanting to take Trump out of our Country?
War by Another Means. This is a very different Battlefield. Circumstances that are not what you see.
He talks about the Aluminum Oxide particulate in the Chems. They dry out the foliage and cause FIRES.
Weather WAR. We can cause with some higher technology... Volcanoes, Earthquakes, Solar Radiation much stronger than usual. Juan explains this accurately including EMPs. Like what happened in MAUI.
God can FLIP the Tables. The Esther Moment!
Another Moment may happen even to you! GOD will not forget you. It is a very personal thing. This is YOUR life to turn to GOD for HIS protection.
Do things that you know do Godly Purposes. Make that be YOUR MOMENT!

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