India's Forgotten Babies | Vratesh Srivastava | Documentary

3 months ago

India's Forgotten Babies - A story about babies lost to routine immunisation.

India’s health ministry, in response to an RTI in 2011, acknowledged that death of 3 infants in Tamil Nadu was caused by pentavalent vaccination.

India’s AEFI causality assessment reports have acknowledged deaths caused by Measles-rubella and OPV/BCG/Hepatitis B vaccines.

The vaccines safety committee set up in US, per sections 312 and 313 of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act in 1986, acknowledged death as a side effect of certain vaccines as a result of anaphylaxis, GBS or vaccine induced infection (such as polio from polio vaccine or measles from measles vaccine).

Several families have been compensated for deaths following vaccine induced reactions as part of America’s National Vaccine Injury Compensation program.

Deaths from just the pentavalent vaccine are estimated at an unacceptable rate of 1 in every 7,000 vaccinated infants

Follow Vratesh on twitter: @vratesh_

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