Sabbath Message (Audio) for 03/08/47/120 - 05/10/2024

5 months ago

SABBATH MESSAGE 03/08/47/120 - 05/10/2024

Sabbath 03/08/47/120

Dear Friends,

Today is the First Sabbath of the Eighth Month 47/120. Today we will study the paper The False Prophet and the Antichrist (No. 141D_3A). It is also on Video at We will follow on next week with the paper Fall of Babylon (No. 141D_3B).

We have now entered the Great Tribulation (No. 141D_2) and these papers are also on Video at:

Israel has now invaded both Gaza and Lebanon and after Iran's missile strikes on Israel, it will retaliate and attack Iran and the regime in Iran will fall. Syria will follow and Damascus will be destroyed as prophesied in Isaiah Ch. 17. Russia will be drawn in and China will attack Taiwan. Russia will escalate the activities in Europe where NATO will escalate the action, and we will see WWIII immediately. Once the Empire of the Beast emerges as the NWO in the near future we will also see God send the Witnesses to the Temple Mount.

Once the Witnesses are on the Temple Mount there should be no doubt in the minds of the Churches of God that we are now 1264 days before the arrival of the Messiah in Jerusalem and the First Resurrection is to occur and they have to clean up their acts and get rid of Hillel and the Babylonian system in Hillel and start keeping the Temple Calendar. They have no excuse whatsoever for their idolatrous heresy and their Binitarianism, and also the Radical Unitarianism in United and the General Conference of the COG(SD). Some are even Trinitarians such ais the SDAs and the Sunday keepers of the JWs. They will repent or be killed by the return of Messiah. They certainly will not go into the Millennium under Messiah. That system is due to commence from the New Year of March 2028.

After the First Resurrection the Demons will be in the pit and the Elect of the First Resurrection will take office and assume control of the world. It will be controlled from Jerusalem under the 144,000 and the Great Multitude of Revelation Ch. 7, in the various nations.

The world will then do what God told it under the Patriarchs, Moses and the Prophets and the Churches of God over the centuries. Christ will enforce the Law and the Testimony and the Temple Calendar over the thousand years of the Millennium and there will be no exceptions or excuses. The Churches of God will be purged with hyssop and they will repent or be sent to the Second Resurrection (No. 143B)..

The Nations that constitute Israel all over the world will learn the hard and bitter lesson they should have understood from the Exodus, that the Law of God stands and “Scripture cannot be broken” as Christ told them (Jn 10:34-35).

See also the download link at

We need to stand still and see the Salvation of our God.

Wade Cox
Coordinator General

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