Dead vax pushing nurse didn't want to hear the conspiracies

4 months ago

Now she does not have to listen to the ones she hated. She is as dead as a fart.
"Viva La Vagina".... Wash that thing
"This pussy grabs back".... Penicillin will fix that
"Black lives matter" Obviously not or they would not constantly kill each other (and us)
"Love is love".... So she was a pedophile fag apparently
"Science is real"... She trusted the science and it killed her

I would be lying if I said I was sad she is dead.

She was a nurse. "Special" she said. Stupid I say. She just could not murder enough people it would seem. "Nurses are holding the hands of the sick and dying not the family" fucking cunt. You fuckers were the ones killing them in the first place. You were the ones not letting the family near them. You fucking piece of shit.

"I'm sorry there is nothing else we can do"...except dance not that you killed them off you bitch.
It took this bitch way too long to die.

Source: The Kurgan Report:

Mirrored from / Original Video Source: Jim Crenshaw -

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