Demand Kellogg's removes toxic chemicals from children cereal!

5 months ago

(found on Dr. Judy's transcripts:

Vani Hari (TheFoodBabe): We are going to be going to Kellogg's headquarters at 10:30am. We're meeting at Friendship Park. We're going to hold Kellogg's accountable, not only for Fruit Loops, but for every single cereal that they make with artificial food dyes. We're asking them to remove artificial food dyes and BHT. BHT is an endocrine disrupting chemical, and this is something that is in over 40 of their cereals. This is something that causes cancer, promotes tumors, lung tumors, it's affecting fertility, all kinds of different issues with BHT. And this is something that they line the packages of cereal with as a preservative. So it's merely there to make the food companies more money so they can leave the product longer on the shelf. But they don't use this chemical again overseas. We're going to be removing artificial food dyes and BHT from Kellogg's cereals. I guarantee they're going to have to change this. This is going to be a big public shaming. I have reached out to the CEO of Kellogg several times at this point. I sent him a letter a week ago, after I got back from the Senate and I said, Hey, I'm coming. I'd like a meeting with you. What would you like to do? Let's sit down and maybe schedule a meeting. It was crickets. So we're going to the headquarters now with a massive grassroots movement.
I've got hundreds of people already RSVPing, I am inviting all your viewership. Dell, I know you guys are going to be there.
Del Bigtree: Yeah, we're going to be streaming it live, by the way, so anyone that can't make it, we're going to stream it live on The Highwire.

But for people staying at home, they can sign your petition, right?
Vani Hari (TheFoodBabe): You can just go to it's right there on the homepage. You can sign the petition. You can also call the headquarters the day that we're going, on October 15, and demand they sit down with us, demand that they have a meeting with us, because they should receive these hundreds of 1000s of voices, and they need to hear the stories of mothers that have been impacted by removing artificial food dyes from their children's diets, and what a big impact it would make for American children everywhere.

10/03/2024 - Watch EPISODE 392: CEREAL KILLER

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