The ABC's of Gut Health

5 months ago

The ABC’s of Gut Health
“All disease begins in your gut” Hippocrates????
A: Acid Reflux
B:  Bloating
C: Constipation
How Do You Fix:
Repair the Gut: Heal the Mucosa of the gut
The lining of your digestive system
IBS, IBD, Leaky Gut, Crones, Colitis
They are all the deterioration of the Mucosa Lining
Top modified foods in this country.
Joe shares an amazing healing protocol.
Probiotics are essential
How to assimilate nutrients through enzymes. Enzymes are a secret weapon.
If you are eating foods without nutrients you are in bad shape. 
Contact Joe:     ⁠
World of Wellness:  Call from anywhere to order: 412-922-9355
“Cooking with Talia and Papa”: You Tube Channel: Talia Power Check it out:

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