Did you get caught in the lie?

3 months ago

Repost from @thecarnivorebar

Yep! Most studies show meat is bad for you through weak survey based epidemiology. Essentially looking at populations who eat more meat but have confounding variables such as exercise, sun exposure, junk food in diet, type of meat(pizza) and overall health. Correlation isn’t causation. Most studies haven’t had a control group or actual science but use “study” very loosely to convince us we should eat fats or meat.

Big Question: Since the low fat era demonizing calories in butter, steak and meat have we become healthier as a population or increased obesity or chronic n illness such as diabetes?

🥩🤌 @victoriaaferrazz

Red fatty meat improves health and that’s the beef🥩

@thecarnivorebar | code VICTORIA

#carnivore #carnivorediet #eatmeat #carnivorewomen #animalbased #primaldiet #ancestral #meatheals #ketovore

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