THE GREATEST RISK OF YOUR LIFE #heaven #pastoriykeabbe #isyournamewritteninheaven #areyousaved?

3 months ago

THE GREATEST RISK OF YOUR LIFE #heaven #pastoriykeabbe #isyournamewritteninheaven #areyousaved?
For every living human on earth, there is a great need to know that when they eventually dies and leaves the earth, each person must be sure that the will saved and allowed to enter the heavenly gates of heaven. The bible makes very clear that entrance into the heavenly gate can only be accessed by the gift of salvation being received or accepted by the individual while alive and having full use of their mental faculty. The only anyone can have entrance inthe gates of heaven is only through the Salvation of the our Lord Jesus Christ. Hurry up now and get your get your name written in the Lamb's book of Life. Get qualified to enter heaven.

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