Prophet Julie Green - Live with Julie and Bernadette Smith - Captions

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Faith in Politics: Uniting for a Greater Calling with Bernadette Smith - In this enlightening episode, spiritual and political leader Bernadette Smith discusses her fight to strengthen faith within the Republican Party. Hailing from Michigan, Bernadette talks about the importance of Christian involvement in politics amid a spiritual battle in America. Sharing her personal experiences, she emphasizes the need for God's guidance and unity over political divides. This conversation with host Julie uncovers the transformative power of faith in politics, the importance of unity among believers, and the battle against spiritual darkness. Bernadette shares how she entered politics through divine intervention and speaks on the moral responsibility of Christians to influence governance. This episode also touches on spiritual warfare, the significance of prayer, and the power of prophetic vision.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video was posted on 08-06-2024 and may be watched here: 👉

00:00 Introduction and Welcome
00:05 Bernadette Smith's Background and Mission
00:26 Challenges in the Republican Party
01:24 Spiritual and Political Awakening
04:37 Bernadette's Journey into Politics
07:48 Unity and Influence in Michigan
10:40 The Role of Faith in Politics
20:17 Prophetic Dreams and COVID-19
28:15 The Power of Anointing
29:56 Understanding the Power and Authority of Believers
30:32 The Armor of God and Spiritual Warfare
32:05 Faith and Overcoming Fear
32:40 The Importance of Unity in the Church
35:36 Personal Testimonies and God's Faithfulness
38:47 Spiritual Lessons and Overcoming Challenges
47:05 Political Insights and Spiritual Warfare
51:21 Encouragement and Final Prayers


COPYRIGHT 2024 Julie Green Ministries International


Good morning, everybody. And welcome to today's live show once again. And I want to welcome my friend, Bernadette Smith. Now I want to tell everybody who she is. If you have not heard of her before, she is an amazing, amazing woman of faith, but she's also somebody. Who is dealing with our Republican party and growing the faith in the Republican party and fighting spiritually for our party, because we are dealing with a spiritual battle here.

And so I wanted her on to discuss what is really going on. She's from the state of Michigan. And so there's a lot going on in Michigan. There's a lot going on in our Republican party and what we can do about it. Because God's people been sitting by the sidelines too long. I've been sitting silent and she is one who has not been sitting on the sidelines.

She has not been silent and she has been up there and out there and she's trying to change things in the Republican party and with Christians and pastors. So Bernadette loves a great city of Michigan. She's been actively involved with the Republican party for many years. She's worked tirelessly in the state of Michigan to help reserve our constitution, election integrity.

Family values and much more. Bernadette carries a biblical worldview, a beliefs of all people create equal. Amen. Therefore she represents all cultures with her deep understanding of her issues that challenges us today. Bernadette, God bless you. And thank you for joining today's live show. How are you today doing today?

Thank you so much for having me, my friend. So we reawaken America tour for just getting people caught up. We met back in, I think it was. 2022 when I first was on, I met you and your husband, Philip, you guys have amazing children. I know two of them at least. And I was on their broadcast. They're awesome young men.

I was just talking to you about it before the show. You guys have seven kids, eight kids, but seven here. Yes. And you you are raising some awesome, awesome children of almighty God. So What would you like to tell us today about what you've been seeing in your state, what you're seeing spiritually, and what you're seeing politically?

Right. Thank you so much, Julie, for having me on. You know, what I see in our state is, first of all, I see such a uniparty coming together, right? And I want to alert and to awaken the spiritual leaders and pastors to, to come on board. You know, I've noticed there's a lot of people, Julie, that are are in quote the democratic party, but they, they, they, their values are lined up with the Republican platform.

But what I want to say this, people say all the time, and I understand why, because, because of my race, they say, well, why, why should, why would I come over there to the Republican party? When they're just as bad as the Democratic Party in so many ways. And the reason being, because we do have people that are in our party that are truly not Republicans, right?

But the point is, this is what I have to say to them. Look at the platforms. The platform speaks for itself. Some people say, well, I don't like President Trump. Why happen to love President Trump? And I love what he's doing and what he has done. But even if you do not like President Trump, look at the platforms and look at what you're voting for.

You're voting for a goly principles or you're voting for demonic principles because we are truly in a spiritual war. And like you were saying earlier, Julie, before the show, we were talking a little bit. You know, it's not going to be the Republicans or the Democrats that's going to save this country.

It's going to be God and his people on, on the, on the ground, on the battlefield, right, in prayer and action, that's going to win this war. And I do believe we will win this war, but it will not be the way people think it's going to be won. That's right. We can't sit on the sidelines anymore. One of the things in the prophecy that the Lord said this morning is God's people no longer can be silent.

And we can't sit on the sidelines letting somebody else hijack the seven mountains of influence, which is exactly what's happened. And so we as the body of Christ have something to say. That's why I love what you are doing in your state of Michigan. And I know you're affecting, I know, the Republican Party, too, because you're at the RMC, so we'll talk about that, too.

But. Name and just let people know what you're doing in the state of Michigan, because we also know what happened in 2020. We won't get all into that, but so many of the voices and so many things are being suppressed because that is a battleground state. It is. We all saw what happened in Michigan and we continue to see certain things with your governor, your secretary of state, and what they are doing against freedom and against our constitution in our Declaration of Independence and what right We have as American citizens.

And so I know your voice is being heard a lot in that state. So tell us a little more about what you do in the state of Michigan. I will. Could I say this before I go there? I remember the Lord spoke to me some years ago, Julie, and he said this, he said, you know, the Republican, the Democratic, just, just government, right?

It has been hijacked. He said that to me, he said, it has been hijacked by not my people. He said, and I want my politics. I want it back. And I heard that he says, so I believe the Lord's bringing things back around full circle the way he always originally intended for it to be. So, how I got involved, I wasn't planning on getting involved, right?

I was just going about my raising my Children and Doing what's right. And I was invited to a an event back back now, maybe 15 years ago, and I said, I'm not going, you know, I wasn't going to go to this event. And the Lord spoke to me and said, get up and go. That's exactly what he said about 15 years ago.

And I said, okay, if God says it, I'm going to go. Right. So I, and I said, Lord, it's going to be over by the time I get there. I mean, you don't argue with God, just do what he says, right? So I get up and I get dressed and I go out to the meeting and when I get there, they started late and I was approached by a young lady and she said will you be our next speaker?

That's exactly how she approached me. And I said, yes. So that's how it basically began. Right. So I went on to, to continue to work in within the Republican party. And I went online. Ran for another position that I did not seek to do it all. But I was asked to run for a state committee woman. And I said, well, I don't think I'll do that.

The Lord said, you didn't ask me. So I sought the Lord about it. And he said, I want you to run. Now we have like 10 days before the boat and we I'm running up against an incumbent. And so God gave me the master plan. He even told me, Julie, what I will win by. He literally told me and I said, okay, didn't share with anybody, but my husband, I prayed into it, prayed and ask God, how do you want me to do this?

Well, about 10 days later, the vote came and I literally won by the percentage that the Lord said I wouldn't buy. Then I went on making just affecting change in our, in our, in our government, in our state. So then the position of ethnic vice chair came four years ago, and I was asked to run for this position and I said, absolutely not.

I don't even like the word ethnic. What is that? You know, cause I don't like division because it's really not about a color. It's about culture. And that's what we need to understand. It's not about a color. We're one race as we all know it, but people, they're blindsided because they've been taught wrong history.

So I went on and I said, well, Lauren, look it up. So I looked up the word ethnic, it doesn't mean a group of people, right? It's, oh, I can do that, you know, cause I've had familiar, I was familiar with a lot of different ethnic groups being a student of rainbow Bible training center. As we know, we meet people from all, all over the world.

So I believe the Lord even trained me back then for the position that I took four years ago. So the Lord told me even then what I would win by. He did. So I saw, and I didn't, He said, I want you to run for this position, and I did. So Julie, about four years ago, I ran for this position, and I won by the percentage that the Lord said I would win by.

Wow. So I asked the Lord, how do you want me to do this? Because being a spiritual leader and then yet being in government, but how do you want me to run this? And the Lord said, follow me, he said. So as I begin to follow the Lord, he said, I want you to go to all the counties in the state of Michigan, and I want you to bring the message of unity.

Now, unity is so important, but we have to unify about around what's right. Mhm. So unity just for the sake of unity is not it's nothing but what's right. So I went throughout the state of Michigan from the north, south, east and west, bringing the message of unity and and it was very effective. Julie, I literally my rallies and I to the glory of God have been hundreds of people attend the rally.

We had people, I held a rally in Dearborn, Michigan. As you well know, it's a predominantly muslim county and let's say city. And I But I had we had about 1000 people there and majority Muslim. So we and that's when Tudor Dixon was running for governor. She was also one of the speakers at my rally there and I had another young lady helped me with the rally.

So what was I bringing? I was bringing truth. I want to say to people when we look at our forefathers, They spent days fasting and praying to bring the Constitution, to get the Constitution. So if we just talk about the Constitution, you're talking about truth, you're talking about biblical values. So you can't argue with that.

So as I traveled the state of Michigan, it really brought people together. And I know the enemy doesn't like it. So when I ran for my RNC race, right, coming up, I did. And he gave me the percentage of a win by there. Well, as we talked a little bit about, I ran for RNC national RNC committee woman, just this past March and Julie, I, I did win, but they decided to give it to my opponent who I, they said, I, the record said I tied in her district.

But some of her district members said I actually won in her district. What happened is they would not allow 24 counties to vote. You know, they were disenfranchised and those counties went for me just with one of those counties that, that went for me, bigly. it put me over the top. So just can you imagine the other 23?

Well, but my point is, I don't believe God has finished yet. We have to continue to remain steadfast and do things his way. We're in the best we're in now in our, in our country is because Christians would not get involved in politics. So for people to say that God doesn't want to want us in politics, that's the biggest lie ever.

Yep ought to be into politics and that's why we have the mess that we have now is because christians Was on the background in the four corners of the churches or whatever, right? Just ministry and speaking to just the same people or a circle of people. And it's just, and they should have been out here in the field.

Now I'm not condemning anyone, but I want to awaken them and alert them. Get up out of the pews and get out into government and help win this country because it's all going to be win by believers, by, by Christians versus What we think and that and it's so important that we do this amen And again, this is one thing that I get persecuted about the most I think is I talk about politics god in politics Well if we don't have god in politics and if christians are not in politics There's no middle ground.

It's either good or evil. And so when we have separated God and took God out of our government and we had the church, you said the churches has their own people sitting in their own pews and they're talking about their own things and they're not discussing the politics at hand, then that's the reason why we had destruction in our land.

We have to have the hand of God and just like what he said in a prophecy this morning We don't need politics and politicians. We need him. It cannot be Politics as normal or business as usual. This has to be a hand of Almighty God We as Christians have to start getting in aligning ourselves It's like you said uniting because so many people in the body of Christ are broken and they're separated and there's a lot of division because You don't talk about this.

You don't talk about that. You don't do this. You don't do that. And God's saying, look, don't put God in a box, but stop putting God in a box. Stop agreeing upon and thinking you have to agree upon every single thing. We have to agree upon what God wants in the will of Almighty God. If that's the only thing that all believers can believe on, We have to believe the will of almighty God.

This is a time where God said we had to shout louder. This is a time where he said we have to get up, rise up and move forward. Just like his children in the red sea, they had to get up and move. We couldn't stay still. And so right now we have to get up and move. And that's exactly what you are doing in your state.

And so many people, I tell everybody, every voice is important. Every person that's watching. And every person that you affect every person can make a difference There's a lot of times where everybody wants somebody else now Just like you I you didn't want to go into politics and I did not want to be on social media I fought god for quite a while and lost So because I did not want to be in front of a camera I did not like to see myself in front of a camera.

So I didn't want to do that But as it's time I always told the lord I will do whatever you want me to do and say whatever you want me to say And he goes but what about this? You Exactly. And so this is what I had to do. And this is what he had for me three, I've been preaching for 15 years, but I didn't get online until three years ago, but I was preaching steadfastly for 12 years before that.

But it's a fact of what we had to do in obedience to God. A lot of times we have our futures and it looks one way and we think this is what we can do. And God says, Oh no, no, no, no. I'm going to do something bigger if you allow me to. Yes. And so every person is so important. It's not, it is about getting out and getting the vote.

Yes, it is. It's also a point, it's being on all these different boards, if people are called to being a school board, people are part of being a part of their community or their city, their neighborhood, whatever it is, because we need to bring God back in every aspect of this country and not, it's not just President Trump, which again, I love and you love.

And we all love, we all love him, but it's not just about bringing him back into the seat of the president. We have the down ballot of the States. We have all these elections and that's why God says we don't need an election to save this country. We need God. We need a political reset. That's what he calls it, a political reset with him being front and center.

And so that's why it's so important to do what you are doing in your state of Michigan. You know, Julie, you're so right. I remember when I was raising my children. My, my dream was, Oh, I'll be this little pastor's wife or, and I'm going to be on the front row and preach it, honey, preach it. That was my dream.

White picket fence, raising all these children to be warriors for God. That was my dream. And the Lord began to speak to me and said, like you just said, but what about this? I'm calling you into this. So I did bring my children with me at real date. They, we went door to door for different senators and so forth.

And I helped back in the day, Dick DeVos, I will help him run for governor. So I did a lot of on the ground, you know, working for, for different politicians, but you know, I've noticed as I traveled the state of Michigan, and that's why the church needs to rise. up. They are so looking for our voice. Julie, as I go from the U.

P. Down to down river to Detroit, I mean, just all up in Traverse City, up in Marquette, they are crying out for what we have. And when they hear it, they gravitate to it. I've had senators, I've had a government candidate, as if once come up to him, they asked me, they said, and what is that? Every time you speak, there's just something, what is that?

And then I would speak at different Lincoln day dinners. And then one walks in, I finally found out what it was. And he held his stomach and said, When you speak, it just moves. And I was like, I said, it's called the Holy spirit. So there we are able to introduce and be Jesus in this political arena. That's the God that they're looking for.

Many are searching for him and don't even know that the search for him until they see it in us. And when they stand in that square, but you bring God into government and if we get these intelligent, amazing men and women that are in government now, if we can just affect them and bring them into knowing God, isn't that what we want?

They have the solidness, they have, they have this foundation that they can speak from that place of authority that God's given us invested in the name of Jesus. That's what's going to win this war. And I do believe we will win this war. Oh, we're definitely gonna win this war because that's one of the things that God says all the time to us.

He wins. God wins. He's already won the battle. He wins and that's it. I mean the enemies will always lose because Well, the enemies will always be defeated. And so we see what's going on in our country. And everyone says, you know, the world's getting darker. You have pastors are talking when the world's getting darker, you have doom and gloom preachers.

And I'm not saying that there's that doom and gloom. I'm not saying there isn't darkness, but that's when our light should shine brighter in the midst of that darkness to destroy that darkness. So this is an opportunity. Right now for the world to see God more than ever before. When times are desperate and when times are hopeless, people are looking, like you said, they're looking for hope.

They don't know exactly what they're looking for, but they are looking for hope. They they're wanting their freedoms. They're wanting to be able to live the life that they've always wanted to live, but it's been taken away from them and they've been suppressed. And a lot of people have been under such bondage and sub slavery that we had no idea we were even in, in this country.

God says it's spiritual slavery and it's worse than even it was in the book of Exodus because they could feel the shackles and chains and this time we have been in a spiritual bondage and we didn't know we were in it. So people weren't fighting for that freedom. And so us in the body of Christ, We have to have pastors and teachers.

I mean, a lot of them, and I know you've even heard clay and many other people say, there's a lot of pastors that won't talk about these things we're talking about today, so they're not preparing their body of Christ into putting on their full armor to knowing the sword of the spirit, which is how to fight the good fight of faith, because you'd have to know the word of God.

They don't have their full armor of God on. So they're, they've become defenseless. And so when the enemy is coming attacking, there's nothing that they can fight with because they don't know how to fight. So God has been preparing us for this battle for the last four years. People are like, why is it taking so long to bring Trump back?

First of all, it's because it's not just about president Trump. It's about God. And until the body of Christ knows that and figures that out. Yes. It can just be a man. Is he using someone? Yes, but God's using a lot of people. And so in this time that we're living in right now, it's so important for us to know what each and every person can do.

And every person is called me behind the camera. Not every person is calling the politics. But every person can make a difference, every person can make a change, and especially one of the biggest things I tell people every day. Pray, speak the Word of God, Shout, decree, declare what God wants us to shout, decree, and declare on a daily basis, and that destroys the power of the enemy.

And it brings confusion into the enemy's camp. And so if people aren't called to do certain things, I believe all people are called to pray. You know, Julie, you're so right. I remember, we have like current events in our church, which we look at the politics, what's going on in the news. And then we bring, you know, a biblical perspective, what God says.

That's what I endeavor to do. But I remember years ago, before anything started happening outwardly, massively like it has, about four or five years ago, the Lord spoke to me in prayer. And he said, Bernadette, He said, darkness is coming on the face of the earth. And I said, what? And he said it again.

Darkness is coming on the face of the earth. And he said, gross stuff. He said, but the earth shall be filled with my glory. And then he went on to tell me about, like you were saying, all these things are coming, but there's a but there. This is why we're here. We're here to shine the light and to be that that that torch to a dying world and to bring them into God Remember about 10 11 years ago before covid even hit didn't even know of covid I had a dream and julie in this dream.

I was in the hospital now I've never been in the hospital except to have children. So that's been many times, right? I was in the hospital eight times to have children, but I was of course Left at the hospital in this dream. I wasn't in there to have a child. I was just in there And I was sitting up on the bed, straight up like this.

And all of a sudden a doctor and a nurse walked over to me and the doctor, Julie had a needle in his hand and the doctor took the needle and he was getting ready to shoot me in my left arm. And I looked at him and I said, I don't need that shot. This is what I told him. When I told him that he took his hand like this, Julie on my chest and he forced me down on the bed.

Okay. And gave me the shot anyway, and when you did it I lied there and I looked up toward heaven Because I was already on the ground and I said now what god now what? And the lord spoke to my heart. He said neutralize it bernadette neutralize it with my blood That's exactly what he said. So I began to neutralize whatever that Doctors shot in my arm.

I began to just neutralize it with the blood of Jesus and I woke up and I told my husband, I said, I just have the extreme. But knowing that God has dealt with me since the age of seven with dreams and visions. So I knew there was something to it. I knew it was real, but it made zero sense to me. So I did like brother Hagen would often say, you just put that one on the shelf.

So I wrote it out and I put it on the shelf periodically that will come to me, but not so much throughout the years. So when COVID hit immediately, the Lord brought the dream back to them. He said, that dream is for now. I said, Oh my God. So what did I do with that? I just didn't sit there. I went throughout as I traveled the state of Michigan speaking and so forth, I would tell them about this drink and literally I had so many people come up and say, Thank you.

Thank you. I'm going to do that because I got the shot. My kids got the shot. My husband got a shot and they begin to say we needed that with tears running down their eyes. I had a message that God gave me tears sold years before because many people were paralyzed. I don't condemn people. We were Americans, right?

So we have a right to free to make our own decisions. So, but many made the wrong decisions, right? But I begin, but God never leaves us without help. And I want to tell people that even though we blow it, we mess up and so forth. God always has a remedy. He always has a realm in the bush to help deliver us.

And this is what he did. I believe that neutralized word that God gave me. With his blood, the precious blood of Jesus has rescued many people. And I've had reports come back to me that when they did this, their bodies were made whole when they weren't whole. So I just love God about that. So being in government, it made it, it makes a huge difference in many areas.

So we're able to. Bring jesus there regarding the shots as well. Isn't that exciting? It is exciting one of the things that the lord showed me right after That when people were forced to get it And because they were upset once they found out what was in it and what they were doing with it And one of the things that god said look at what happened in with the angel of death and look what happened with my blood What my blood did to stop it and why I also what I did for the night of passover He said when my people left in the land of egypt.

They left with no feeble among them So it didn't matter what kind of destruction the Egyptians did to their bodies, God restored them. So God isn't having to send it to people, God is restoring them. And so if they had people that believe still to this day that it was the right thing to do, God said, Look, you can still pray for their family or your family members and pray for the restoration of their blood.

for the restoration of th of their bodies. God is t God, God is a God who hea like it was never there t enemies have designed our and sick and weak and fra They force things in you. They force things in us when we were a little, they've been forcing things for a long time for a specific reason, but God is saying, I wash and cleanse the blood with my blood is what we have to.

I love that dream and how God gave it to you. Way before that even happened. And just like what he's doing prophetically, when he's giving out all these different words before it happens, it says it proves the word of God. It proves the will of God. And it proves that God is giving visions and dreams and prophetic words to people.

Just like he said in Acts and Joel chapter two, in the last day, he'd pour out his spirit upon all flesh. And again. prophesy. And I, and I tell people when they say God doesn't use a woman, I said, God's not a sexist. God, God isn't sexist. He will use anybody who's willing to receive it, to obey it and to teach it, reveal it just like what he did with you.

He had you write that dream down. There's a lot of times where I write things down prophetically and he has me use them at certain different times. Yes, and so we're doing that and we're giving people a course of action. Yes, we pick these things up just like you did. You picked up that dream and you gave that dream and you were showing God's will 10 years before or 15 years before that even happened with COVID.

And that shows people that God still cares about what's happening in this earth today. Not only medically, God cares about it politically. That's right. God cares about where his church is mentally, where his church is in every way. He doesn't want them. I saw I had a dream. This was 15 years ago. See, I had a dream, which is crazy 'cause I'm that person who usually has dreams 'cause I'm more, it's more prophetic than it is Prophetic dreams.

But I saw a dream when he talked to me about this exodus that we're in right now. He says, you're in a greater exodus right now because I will save not just one nation a day, I will save the nations in a day because I am still that God. I saw God's children. We were kind of like in the land of Egypt and we all had these shackles.

And we were all chained together with our feet and we were all chained together with our hands and we were making this long line and we all had our heads down. And that's when God said, my people are in a worse slavery and bondage than Egypt because this time it's a spiritual one and they're not wanting freedom because they don't know they need it.

That is so right. And he said, this is where my people are going to be free from a spiritual slavery and bondage that they didn't even know they were in. He said, this is the reason why Julie, I have to have this greater exodus. I am still the God in the book of Exodus that I'm still the great I am that does these things that delivers that saves that heals that make whole and restores.

Yes. Yes. And so that's what he gives us these things so that we can teach these things. We can guide people in the right direction because God is doing that. And it's so beautiful to see what God is doing. What Satan really meant to divide. To destroy to bring down the bite of christ that killed this country I believe this country is finally waking up the body of christ are shaking things up Spiritually and politically because that's what we're called to do right now.

That is so powerful You reminded me of something I was thinking about the anointing julie The anointing is everything and I remember the lord talk spoke to my heart. He said these words He said, Bernadette, the devil would have taken, because he's so, he's such a persistent cuss, and he, and he's such, he, he, he, time, he just takes his time, how he builds things, so he would have taken 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, even 80 years to build a stronghold in someone's mind, like a fortified city.

You know, building block and people are just walking around with such strongholds in many areas of their, in their lives. Doesn't matter what the area is, there's a stronghold. He said, but just one second of my anointing will eradicate. That stronghold. And that's why it's so important for us as believers to get anointed, get to know God.

Like you were saying earlier, pray, read the word of God, pray in the Holy Spirit because the power that's in there will eradicate the darkness on this earth in our lives and others lives. So the enemy is so afraid of the anointing. So for the Christian people or people in general, get anointed, get to know your, your rights and privilege in God, get to know the Holy Spirit that's inside of you, get to know how he moves, get familiar with him.

And that's why I'm so excited that we do. We, I see you too. We're excited about today. We're not in this gloom or doom. We're like, come on, Lord, bring it on. What else do you have for us to do? What do you want us to say next? So the anointing is vital. It's so vital that we have the anointing of God. So go ahead, Althea.

No, it is. It's so important for people to know how powerful they are. Because we have in the, in the Word, it says the greater one lives on the inside of us and he that's in the world. The body of Christ needs to know the power and authority that they have in Luke 10 and 19, where it says we have been given all power and authority and dominion over all the power of the enemy.

And so if God's people just knew that we have the greater one, they knew that they have the power and authority and dominion, They knew they know how to use it. The enemy knows how to use their power. Now it's time for us to know how to use the power that God has given to us that destroys all the power of the enemy.

And so this morning he was giving the power of the name of Jesus, the power, the blood of the covenant with Jesus. And he was also giving about the armor of God and the sword of the spirit. And so with the sword of spirit and how to use it as a defensive weapon. Because the word of God is a weapon.

That's why it's a sword. Yes. People don't know how to use that weapon is because they don't get in the word and know and have a foundation of the word of God. And that's why God says a firm focus foundation on the father, because if we're focusing on him, no matter what's going around, I got to tell people, I don't care what happens in the stock market.

I don't want to care what happens on the internet. I don't care what's going on all around the world. I don't care because I know. God is bigger. I know God's got it. I know it's going to be kids will. Am I doing something about it? I'm still praying to Korean declaring and I'm still preaching the word of God how he wants me to preach it Whether people like it or not, so we're doing our part Everybody has a part to play in this and I and I truly believe that so many people Need to know, like, just like you said, the power of God, because they have been brainwashed basically by religion, that there is no power, that God doesn't heal, that God doesn't restore, that God doesn't deliver, that God is, I don't know what kind of God they think he is.

He says in his word, he's the same yesterday, day and forever. Well, get to know the guy in the word because he's still the same guy now. He said deliver. And that's what I love about it. And Ephesians you were talking about that. And I look at that word above all. And I, as I think about, he said, But above all, take the shield of faith.

Why, above all, faith? Because faith quenches every fiery dart. If you have faith, no demon in hell can destroy you. And that's why the enemy is after our faith. And I think about how they've come against the church. Why is it that they've come so strongly against the church? Because we have the message to the world that we eradicate the darkness that's on the face of the earth.

So the leaders and pastors, I just want them to get it. Julie, they have what the world needs. Don't shrink back in fear, rise up in faith. Remember what Philippians 1, 28 says? He said, when we do not fear, what happens? You can, I see it doesn't come nice, right? But when we fear that thing comes close to us, that impending danger, a pending, it's about to happen.

It's about to happen. How many people walk through life? You're about to die, you're about to get pneumonia, you're about to get COVID, you're about to get crippled, you're about to lose your eyesight, you're about All this about that's what paul was talking about when he said impending danger that word impending It's about it's about to happen.

It's about to happen No, what's about to happen is god's about to heal your body set you free god's about to save this country God's about to destroy and eradicate the darkness, but he's going to use us to do it, right? Exciting it is exciting. That's why I tell people We were supposed to have our heads held high because even though we may be walking through the valley shadow of death It shall we shall fear no evil because what he comforts us.

He guides us He shields us. He protects us. He's avenging us God is and I love one of the scriptures that I read a lot is God rises us up above our enemies Inside that in Psalms and so we we know that God rises us up above our enemies You Then we know we're not on the same playing field. Yes. It says that in Ephesians 1 21.

It talks about we are far above Principalities and powers in religion. So we're not on the same playing field. They're playing checkers. We're playing chess. We're not on the same playing field as they are. And God even says that we're supposed to put our enemy under our feet. So he's not supposed to be anywhere else.

So if God's people really put a emphasis on So this is why I say all the time, my husband, he's got an apparel company. And one of the things that he have is, but God and God wins and things like that, not just the fact that it's just so important to having a shirt on, but we want to make a statement. We are anywhere.

He said, God wins. Well, that's really the power plays. God. And you're, you're getting people talking about what's on that shirt. It's not because you want to sell shirts. It's because you want to sell a message. You want to get the message out of almighty God that God wins and that it's, that's not full of hopelessness and despair and doom and gloom.

It is what God is doing. And he says in John 16, one of my favorite scriptures in the Bible. And I was going through a lot of darkness, John 16, 33, And the world will have trials, tribulations, distress, and frustration, but there's that word, that conjunction word, but be of good cheer. I've overcome the world, I have privates of ability to harm you and I've conquered it for you.

That's amplified version. We have to know that God has already conquered it. Yes. We have to know that we have frustrations and we're going to go through different things in life and things are not always going to be, you know, sunshine and roses. But every single time that this ministry or myself personally or a family member and any of us have been through anything There's always a teaching moment.

Yes, there's always somewhere where he's teaching you something It's almost like why I told people I put myself in a spiritual timeout when something happened Where I he told me to pray for something and someone I didn't want to because they were doing not good things He said I said no I need a spiritual timeout for 20 minutes and ended up being like more like 30 minutes 20 hours.

But he said, Julie, I want you to pray. And he was showing me and he was teaching me in the same time, how to love your enemy, how to pray for them, how to show God's love, even though you don't like, well, you're just showing me what they did. So why am I supposed to pray for him? He said, because they're my creation.

So even in them hardest, the hardest of times, we can sit there and show the love of God. That's exactly right. Okay. So instead of this division, instead of all of this separation of all these different things, I mean, the most, we're supposed to be United States, not the divided, and we've been divided in every thing you can possibly look at.

And we're supposed to be united in God. Under God. That's how we unite. And that's how we have to have that force to be reckoned with. We have to be uniting. In the word of God. Wow, Julie, that is, that is so good. I was thinking about as you were speaking, it was so powerful about the Bible being a book of instructions.

It's a manual that shows us things. And as you were just talking that, that, that spirit of God was just coming up and being about Philippians four, eight, be anxious for nothing. Now this is what he said for nothing. You're like what? You know, do you realize Lord what happened? He said BH is for nothing, but he didn't leave it there.

He said, but he's given us instructions, right? But in everything by prayer and petition. What? Make your request now. Now he's telling us how to go before him. Talk to me. He said that when we do that And then with thanksgiving so after we do it we thank and we praise god for the answer Thank you lord for helping me.

Thank you. Whatever for delivering me. Thank you for showing me He said but then when we do that then then and only then the peace of god will mount god over our thoughts in our minds I think about the Bible is such a book of instructions that lead and guides us. It truly leads us and guides us into our truth.

And that's who we ought to be running to the book, running to prayer and to the book. When the enemy comes in like a storm, the Bible said, no, when the enemy comes in like a storm, The world will lift up a standard. I mean, I think about that and that's how I was, I raised my kids. People ask me all the time.

Well, how did you do it? And I said, well, you know, I couldn't have done it apart from prayer. I could not have done it apart from the instructions that God, he showed me how to raise them. Have I been perfect? No, but I, I'm still practicing. Now they're all grown up. I'm still practicing being that godly woman that God's called for.

I remember when I got totally. Julie just the hardest thing in my life that I remember going through is after my kids, I was raising my children and I remember the housing market hit and when that housing market hit back in 2008, we lost everything. Julie, we lost our home. We lost. We lost everything right when that happened.

And I remember, I didn't want, we had eight children. Our youngest daughter actually it was during that time of hers. She was in intensive care during that time. And they were telling me she's going to die. And it just went through the whole nine yards. But I remember the Lord gave me again, a dream.

And in this dream, there was this huge snake, Julie, the snake was so thick. I don't, I'm not a fan of snakes. I don't like them. I'm just going to tell you nothing about it, but in this dream, I had this snake by the neck, by the neck. So, and I, it was just doing this to me, like trying to bite me and it was long and ugly.

And I was walking through life with the snake, with my hand around its neck. And I'm like, when I was teaching, I was doing things. I remember But in that snake kept trying to bite me and I heard out of my spirit when the venom is out, the snake is dead. I don't know. What is venom? I don't even know what venom is.

What is that? I'm thinking but I knew I heard that and I remember as I was teaching actually and this White milky stuff flew out of the snake's mouth and the snake slid out of my hand and died So and I woke up and I saw And I, back in the day, because it was back in the day, I had, before cell phones, I had the Webster dictionary.

I did everything through Webster. I had the dictionary always by my nightstand because I would always look up something that I would hear. So I remember I took my wife to dictionary and I said, then numb. I'm sounding it out cause I didn't know what it was. And it was venom. I found out what it was and I, and there it was.

And I turned to the page where venom was. And there was that picture of that snake and I'm like, Whoa. And it said white milky substance. Well, just what the Lord spoke to me in my dream. So I woke up when I woke up, my husband came and he handed me a piece of mail. Now in this mail was the test. Now go back.

How's the market hit? So I didn't want to do this. My husband even warned me, said, no, you don't need to getting up. But he were like, Oh, little, little skinny Smith kid there. You're not feeding your kids. Right. You know? So I went to get assistant for food. I'm here soon. It period food didn't want money. I made a mistake because the minute that I said, I don't want this.

The government came after me. Now, keep in mind, I'm a still, I'm, I'm heavy in politics at this time, not heavy, but I was in politics. So they, my face was around, you know, so forth. And so they came after me and I sat there and said, this was the attack, but God gave me a dream ahead of time. In other words, you're going to walk this out, Bernadette.

But remember, I already told you the end, the snake's going to die. You're going to be all right, but you're going to walk this out, you know? So talking about a teaching moment to my kids, I brought them on. I said, don't you ever, ever, ever, ever. I don't care how you suffer. Don't you ever go to the government for anything?

You know, I just was sharing my, my, my kids about that talk, talking about a teaching moment, but to make a long story short, it panned out just that. So these leftist evil people. That that are living in darkness will come after people of the light. They'll lie. They'll cheat They'll steal and I want people want the devil to tell you all you got to give up now for that.

It's over Nothing is over when you know god Nothing's over when you know your heart is right. You've done the right thing. I want to encourage people I don't care what you've gone through. I don't know what the devil has brought against you I don't care what you stay with god and like you said earlier julie God will set you on high.

I mean, don't never quit. Don't ever give up. Stand strong and I mean, unafraid and boldly in the face of the devil. And literally that devil will fear you because we reference a fear god Amen one of the things I even told the lord when I was going through a lot of hard times was Turn every test into a testimony and so every single thing that i've ever gone through in my life And i've gone through hell and back many times But the thing is I and I love about god because not only did he didn't put me through that He got me through it and he wanted to take me out and I know that, but God, I held on to God.

I didn't blame God. I didn't turn away from him. I pressed more into him and I said, turn every test into a testimony and if it can just save one person, the thing is, and I said, take my life and do something with it to further your kingdom. And this is when I was already preaching. I was preaching for, like I said, 12 or 13 years.

And it was, you know, not very many people cause our church wasn't that big. And I, I, I just was like, I'll be faithful in the few and he'll give you the many. And I said, Lord, whatever it is, just take my life and do something with it to further your kingdom. I will do whatever you tell me to do. Well, I didn't know what he was going to do.

I didn't know how big he was going to do it because it wasn't me, it was him. Yes. And one of the things I love about him is that every single thing that we are going through that it looks like it's going to destroy us and it looks like it's going to weaken us and it looks like it's going to, you know, take us out.

He can make a stronger threat. And then when he teaches us and it's that teaching moment, especially when I was just being interviewed by flower conservative, I know it's, you know, them too from reawaken. And one of the things I said was, you know, how did you do it? You know, when you were going through life and death situation and you were going through all these different things, I said, I never once blamed God.

Exactly. I always blame myself for the situations that I was in. And because of certain things that I did, I got injured when I was 15 years old and that started a whole cascade of things in my life. And so I never blamed God for it. Not once, not once. I ever blamed God for it. But I didn't also ask him for help at certain times, too.

A lot of times if we have that condemnation, because God told me, I had to look this up. There's words he does to me, too. When he gives me something, I'm like, what does this mean? And I have to look it up. He'll say words. I'm like, well, I've never heard this word before. And I have to look it up. I do the same thing you do, especially in prophecy.

When he's giving me prophecies, I'm going, What is that? I keep writing it, you know, but I must like keynote. I got to look that up later on because I don't know what it is. And so that's when you know it's God because he'll give you things that you can't explain yourself. Anyway, he was giving me things. I don't like guilt and condemnation.

Get in your way. And I'm like, what is condemnation? What is condemnation? And I had to look it up later on. That's exactly what I was doing for the next ten years! I literally, I was doing that all the time and it was always this guilt and being hard on myself and all these kind of things. But so many people, the point I'm getting at, there's so many people that are so proud of themselves.

They have so much self hatred. They have so much, like, guilt and shame of their past. God's like, I don't care what happened in your past. I don't want to, I'm not going to remember what happened in your past. I want you to move on to your future because if you keep it in your past, you're going to stay in your past.

But I want you to move forward. God, Satan wants you to stay the same or go backwards, and I want you to move forward. And so in this time of this country, I It's been like Sodom and Gomorrah. This country has been not great. We've done a lot of things as a body of Christ, but we're wrong. And God's saying, no, no, no, not time to stay here.

It's time to move forward. Amen. And so that's why we have to always, Christians, all of us have gone through something. Yes. We've all gone through tests and trials. We've all gone through adversity. We've all gone through hell and back. We've all gone through these things. Satan meant to break you and God's saying, I am making you stronger through it as long as you allow me to do that.

And what we can do is to share our testimonies and to share what God has done for us. Can change so many it can change one person or 10 000 people or whatever how many people god wants to change And so this country needs change. It needs to change by god and just like we were talking about earlier Because I I have to start closing up because I have an appointment But there's something I want you to say about what happened in the rnc and I and I know you can't say everything But there are things that people need to know because I told you before we got on here.

The Lord was showing me something Spiritually that was going on before that. Yeah, I actually had to give it to somebody before the convention even started Yes, yes, and I said something spiritually going on. We have to pray the Republican Party We still have people that are deeply rooted from the establishment.

There are things spiritually that are digging its heels to try to stop the word of God and the faith of God and the right people get in there. Try to suppress what God is doing. And so I want you to just explain a little bit what you saw spiritually or what you saw. Cause you, I know you were at the convention all week.

Yes, exactly. And I'm going to say something about that. Walking through the shadow, through the shadow. See, remember it's a shadow. Shadows aren't real. So if you walk through the shadow, you're going to make it out on top. All of us are. That's so beautifully put the way you explained that. But I want to say this.

Yes, I was at the RNC convention and you know, I I'm hearing everyone's that not everyone, but a lot of people are saying that unity, unity. Oh, we're finally unified, but what are we unifying around? This is my point. What are we unifying around? I mean, that's what was coming up in me. Okay, what do you what?

What is this unity that people are speaking about? Now, there are some things that I totally will not get on board with, and maybe that's probably why they stole my race from me, right? But God's gonna I will. I will be seated however God wants to do it, right? But my point in whatever God wants me to do.

But I sat there and I watched a national committee woman from another state. She led thousands of the whole body of the RNC that people that were there into a prayer that was not a prayer unto the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And I'm saying to allow this. You know, this is not what made America great.

What made America great is our Judeo Christian values. So now, see, it's not that we can't have other people in America. And people ask, somebody asked me once, he said, Bernadette, if you become, if you win an election, whatever I run for how are you going to govern other people that serve other gods? I said, that's very easy.

Very easy. They looked at me, I said, that's very easy. I'll be able to govern all people. Because I'll govern by the Constitution. I'll govern by what the forefathers had already placed in order. It's when you want to change this. This is what I'm seeing, Julie. We better be careful about allowing our platform to change.

Because if we keep moving over and over and over to the left, before you know it, we are going to be in a place of defeat. in our country. So also I'm just seeing people unify around demonic forces. I will not unify around that because I will unify only around what's right and what's true and what is true.

God's work is true. It's so important. And I think that's what the world really is looking for. Some of them may not even know that they are and whether they are not, that's what the world needs. So I've seen other things that I cannot share, but those two things that I want to, I can't unify around somebody praying to another God, a God that's not of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, because that is a false God.

And we don't go, we don't touch that. I will, I will govern you. I can do that, but I will not worship another God. You know what that will put, bring us all into, like you spoke of, that spiritual slavery in a deeper way. So I just want to encourage, you know, the people to stand strong on what you know, that's right.

And what's right is God's word, because this is what God is doing. He's raising up the people that will lay hold of who He is, His name, and worship Him. Worship the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. That's who we serve, and that's who we have to obey and listen to. Amen. Well, before you go, I want to, I know you have a website that people can go to, and I also want to share that with them and anything that you want to say for, that the people can help you with in the state of Michigan.

Can you let us know what, what they can do to help you? Yes, we, we need lots of help in the state of Michigan, and I would love for them to get on board. I am a voice in the state of Michigan and God has given me. The influence he's given me not to just give it to me. He gave it to me so that I can do right by it his way.

So my website is Bernadette Smith. net. That's Bernadette Smith. net. If you go there, you can sign up to help me help win Michigan for God. And if we win Michigan for God, we know that it will not be left to where. Where it is today. So I'll leave it at that, but let, let's go ahead and let's win this war.

Let's stand strong. Julie, I want to encourage you to, you have, you have a voice that God, and I know that God has raised up, but he will continue to raise you up. I want to encourage you to continue to stand strong in the midst of whatever seemingly attacks at the end of you may try to come against you and bring against you, just know that you're doing the right thing.

If you stay ahold of God, stay with God, stay with his word and prayer. I tell you, you will go places that you never dreamed of going because God wants to open more and wider gates for you. So stand strong, my sister. Well, praise the Lord. Wow. I wasn't expecting that today. So thank you for that encouragement.

And can I pray for you before we leave? Please do. And I want all of you guys to pray too. Father God, I just, I thank you for Bernadette and I thank you for all of her family and what they are doing. I thank you, Father God, with everything the enemy has stolen will be given back to them sevenfold. It's like you said in Proverbs 6, 30 and 31.

Father God, I thank you that Bernadette and her family and what they're doing in the state of Michigan. I thank you that Michigan comes alive in you and so does every other state, Father God. I think that her voice will be going out even stronger than it is right now and every wall or every obstacle or anything that tries to shut her up or anything tries to stop to suppress will be destroyed by the power and by the blood of Jesus Christ.

I thank you father god that you are rising up your children for such a time as this Just like you rose up esther at that particular moment in time to save her nation and save her people I thank you father god for more people like fernet in all these states in all this country father god and all around the world That your children are finally fed up They will have open their mouths and they will shout and they will speak and they will declare and they will decree your word and father.

We know that you are faithful to perform your word because you're actively. Watching and waiting to perform your work. So we thank you father God right now that there is a cleansing of our party. There's a cleansing of our capital and there's a cleansing in this nation. And we thank you father God, that there's no retaliation.

And with us standing up and decreeing and declaring what you have. So I thank you for her head of protection around Bernadette and her family, father God, and we thank you and we praise you that she will rise higher than she is right now. And we thank you for it in Jesus name. Amen. And amen. Amen.

Julie, could I I wrote a book, prophetic utterances from the Holy spirit. So if anyone is interested in purchasing this book, it's on Amazon, they can go and purchase it, or you can call me at (616) 375-7080. But Prophetic Utterance, it's from the Holy Spirit. There you is. Is is, is it on your website? It is.

It's on the website and Amazon carries it as well. Okay. Alright. You guys can find that book on Amazon and her website again, I have her website up. Right there. It's Bernadette Smith. net and prophetic utterances is our book. So I want to thank you so much, Bernadette, for being on. I love you and your family so much.

It's been one thing. Another thing I love about reawaken is what God has done has been bringing so many people that all had separate lives and he brought them all together. And it's been so great to get to know you and Philip and your boys and, and young men, I should say your husband and boys are so respectful.

Respectful and wonderful people as well. They are I have I found my boys are a part of that You know the part of ministry too, and I love being able to you know To travel with them and and have them see what God is doing. So it's been pretty awesome So so thank you for joining today's live show and one of these days I'll be up in Detroit with you

Yes, so god bless you and god bless everybody thank you for watching if you missed any part of the live stream There was so many important information So go back and watch it from the beginning. But until then, God loves you. We love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day. Thank you so much.

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