Ut-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La by Manuel Rodrigues Coelho (1620)

4 months ago

Ut-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La by Manuel Rodrigues Coelho (c.1555-c.1635)

Ut-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La was not only a popular subject in early keyboard music. While this solfeggio theme was particularly present in polyphonic vocal music of the 16th century, it appears in keyboard music from the early 17th century onwards.

Many composers gave their pieces a corresponding heading. Other composers composed casually, almost hidden, over the famous hexachord. A surprising example can be found in Manuel Rodrigues Coelho's Flores De Musica Pera o Instrumento de Tecla & Harpa, which was published in Lisbon in 1620.
The verse Terceiro Kyrio do mesmo tom [do Oitavo Tom por G Sol Ré Ut] is a short piano movement on Ut-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La.

Flores de musica pera o instrumento de Tecla, & Harpa : dedicado a S.C.R. Magestade del Rey Phelippe terceiro das Espanhas / compostas por o Padre Manoel Rodrigues Coelho, Capellão do serviço de sua Magestade, & tangedor de Tecla de sua Real Capella de Lisboa, natural da cidade de Elvas. - Em Lisboa : na officina de Pedro Craesbeeck, 1620. - [6], 233, [3] f.; 2º (28 cm)

See also https://rumble.com/v5h6bqr-m.-rodrigues-coelho-ut-re-mi-fa-so-la-1620.html & https://rutube.ru/video/deb3ab09f77a0eaee2fcd1df7e0e41c8/

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