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VA Dirty Tricks Part # 2 ***

3) Research
This is a dirty trick few veterans know about or even realize is happening to them. In the military you know you are government property because they just come out and tell you; but what they don’t tell you is that they have a legal right to experiment on you without your knowledge using untested drugs and treatments.

Most veterans just give their permission by signing everything put in front of them without reading it.

Read it sometime and you’ll see you gave away every human right you ever thought you had in exchange for treatment at a VA facility.

I go to the VA Hospital in Houston, Texas. It is not called the VA Hospital. It is named Michael Debakey Medical Center. It is a TEACHING hospital and is owned by Baylor College of Medicine.

I am no more than a guinea pig or laboratory rat to the students, residents and interns that staff this hell hole.

It is literally run by students, residents and interns who have little experience and no one is teaching them. The head of the department is in his office doing paperwork or not there at all.

I would say that some trainees learn by trial and error, but since they don’t know what they did wrong, they can never learn the right way to do it.

They are overseen by whoever has been there the longest. It’s the blind leading the blind. They staff the entire hospital almost exclusively with these pimple faced inexperienced adolescents.

There are very few real doctors with real life experience.

Maybe you get someone who actually knows what they’re doing and maybe not.

It’s Russian roulette with a loaded weapon. That’s not the way veteran’s healthcare should be.
Why do you think your VA medical care is free? Why do you think they force veterans to go to VA doctors and VA facilities? They want to experiment on you.

On the Hospital complex campus in Houston, the Research buildings are almost as big as the Hospital. Where do you think the VA Hospitals get their federal and state funding?

Where do you think they get all that scientific data, medical literature and medical statistics? It’s from medical Research.

The VA advertises that their facilities are on the “cutting edge” of medical science with the latest in drug therapy, new and improved treatments and surgical procedures.

It’s cutting edge all right and you’re the one getting all those new and untested drugs and medical treatments.

Five or ten years down the road you or your family will be answering one of those television attorney commercials that say “Did you or someone you love die from this surgical procedure, implant, medication or treatment?” This leads into dirty trick number four.

4) The VA Profits From Your Death
Pretend you’re a homicide detective working a murder case.

You’re going to make a list of suspects consisting of who had motive and opportunity.

Well, the VA is at the top of the list because the VA has both. Their motive is that they save money if you’re dead because your VA pension, VA Disability Compensation and all monthly and yearly VA benefits die with you.

The VA definitely has opportunity because they have complete control over everything aspect of your health thru their VA medical care.

They can give you the wrong medicine or treatment, wrong surgery, overdose you or just neglect you to death by doing absolutely nothing, like the secret waiting list for VA appointments that killed thousands of veterans.

The VA saved a lot of money with that dirty trick.

You see, that’s why they staff their VA hospitals, Clinics and medical facilities with unskilled and inexperienced students, interns and residents; they know that mistakes will be made and veterans will die.

The VA’s only job is to cover it up and blame it on something else and that’s way too easy because they control your medical records.

The VA can make your medical records document anything they want.

You disobeyed doctor’s orders not to get out of bed and fell down a flight of stairs. They can say anything. Who’s going to dispute it? Not you. Not your family, unless they actually witnessed the injury or death and the chances of that happening are slim and none.

Remember this, I talk from experience. I once spent three days in the Houston VA Hospital and went to check out and the nurses at the desk didn’t know there was a patient in my room. I told them “Yeah, I know you didn’t know because I didn’t see a nurse for three days.” But my medical records stated that they checked on me every two hours and everything was fine. What made me laugh was that my husband had spent the night there in my room with me for two nights and that’s against the rules.

The few VA doctors that are actually experienced are either tucked away in an office somewhere and don’t see patients or have little experience themselves and probably graduated from one of the many Baylor Colleges.

Nurses call their graduates “Baylor Butchers”. Worse than that, the rest of the staff doctors work at the VA because they couldn’t make it in private practice and civilian hospitals and clinics won’t hire them. Most staff VA doctors are foreigners from other countries with no credentials except a diploma. It’s really sad.

I’m talking in general, of course. I’m sure there are a few good VA doctors out there, but they are too few to make a difference. Where were all the good VA doctors when the veterans on the secret waiting lists were dying? Answer me that?

5) Divide and Conquer
When I came back from Afghanistan in December 2007 I was disabled.

I knew it and my unit, the 160th Military Police knew it too, but they tried their best to cover it up. I won’t go into detail but suffice it to say I had multiple medical issues that my unit military doctors did not, could not or would not diagnose or document.

As a direct result of that, I had to try to figure out myself what to claim on my VA disability Compensation Claim.

My medical conditions had to be in my military medical records because I don’t have x-ray vision and could not run the medical and laboratory tests I needed for diagnosis, so I settled on 25 known medical conditions. I know what you’re saying. Wow. No wonder you had so much problems.

True, but you don’t understand. If I didn’t claim them at that time, and claimed them later, I would lose out on my back pay.

The VA disability compensation program is designed that way for that exact reason. They want you to wait to claim medical conditions because it saves them money. But it doesn’t really matter because even if you had two medical claims, they can divide it by denying one and granting the other, thereby forcing you to appeal or give you a partial decision on one issue and reserve the other issue so they can” kick the can down the road.” See, VA dirty trick number One.

This “Divide and Conquer” technique serves many purposes. The main purpose is that this dirty trick allows the VA to generate a perpetual ‘backlog” of disability claims which means more federal funding for them. The VA created this “hamster wheel” to keep veteran’s compensation claims forever at your local VA Regional Office, which leads me to VA dirty trick number six.

6) The Hamster Wheel
The local VA Regional Offices deliberately deny claims so they can be appealed, we already know this, but what you may not know is that they do this by making “vague” and “unsupported” decisions so that when it is appealed and goes to the Board of Veteran Appeals, it is certain to be REMANDED (sent back to them). This is done deliberately.

Example: My clothing allowance claim was for forearm crutches for my service- connected Fibromyalgia/Traumatic Brain Injury. When the Houston VA Regional Office denied it, they wrote that it was denied because my medical records stated my forearm crutches were for a non-service connected back condition.

That is a deliberate lie and they know it and I know it, but now I have to appeal it to the Board of Veteran Appeals and prove it is a lie. It was done on purpose to put me on the Hamster Wheel.

Putting a veteran’s claim on this VA created Hamster Wheel allows the local VA Regional Offices to sit on your claim for another three or four years and starts the entire process all over again just as if you filed a brand new claim. No final decision. Now you have to wait for more appointments for more tests, more doctor visits, more x-rays, then wait for another decision, then file another Notice of Disagreement and wait for another Statement of the Case and appeal it and then wait for it to be certified back to the Board of Veteran Appeals. The VA motto which should be on every Department of Veteran Affairs document as their letterhead “Delay and Deny till the Day they Die

7. ) Deliberate Late ⏰ Mailings by the VA What to do when VA deliberately late mails you a notice - Military Veterans' Lawyer Blog - October 26, 2015

8.) Ways To Slow Down Your Claim Slow Down or Destroy Your VA Disability Claim with These 15 Blunders

Special Link For Gulf War Veterans About Exposure Issues From Depleted Uranium by the Late / Great Vietnam & Gulf War Army Veteran - Doug Rokke https://www.vvaw.org/veteran/article/?id=662

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