''You Become A Barcode'' - ID2020 Explained + Alarming Birthrates + new mRNA shots

5 months ago

Pieter Omtzigt, a politician held in high regard by those who still have faith in the political system, sounds some sort of alarm on declining birthrates, but why only just now and is he who people think he is?

Lawyer Arno van Kessel explains ID2020 which is lead by Bill Gates and involves a patent that shows the true colors of digital ID.

Prof. Pierre Capel shows us how close transhumanism really is at this moment.


- indepen.eu/omtzigts-alarm-over-de-geboortecijfers-had-wel-wat-luider-gemogen

- substack.com/@naomiwolf

- Whitney Webb @ What Bitcoin Did(podcast): The End Of The World As We Know It

- Ninefornews.nl/nieuwe-partij-omtzigt-zit-diep-in-de-wef-netwerken-het-bewijs-is-geleverd

- De Staat Is Een Criminele Organisatie(lezing) door Arno van Kessel

- shakingmyheadproductions.com

- Never Again Is Now Global part 3

- rumble.com/user/PierreCapel

- Cult of the Medics part 2

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