John & Juan – 107 Intel Insights - Brace For Imminent Impact | 10/3/24

12 days ago

-Economic (and other) impact is imminent affecting EVERYONE

-The economic and other storms may continue into early 2025 – prepare

- Baltimore bridge accident was no accident

- World going into another “covid like” shutdown and disruptions – scarcity of goods inflated prices

- Port closings will cause supply and inflation issues

- Heavy disruptions coming soon

- Long season of disruption with a long term recovery

- Election results not a quick matter come November 5th

- CCP and Cartels money piling into real estate schemes hurting the American people

- Flooding the economy to create hyperinflation of the USD

- Another insight into chemtrails

- Discussion about surface to air missiles and Trumps plane

- 100’s of methods of attacks are underway and increasing

- Make your covenant with and in alignment with God right away

- Cheyanne mountain discussed again – nuke codes still protected

- Nuclear threats and prevention addressed

- Questions from Patriots addressed – Kamla eligibility issues – EBS and more…

Juan has been serving this nation since the time of Ronald Regan. He is very well connected I’ll leave it at that. His clandestine assignments and self-imposed directives (many which are unknown to the public) play a critical role in protecting this nation and its interests for decades. A good friend, and most valuable voice and resource for the new media. Thank you Juan for talking with me and our audience today. Learn more about Juan here:


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