Part 2 - Grandmothers in Charge - Priesthood to Catch Up - Build Home for Mothers Love -10-2-24

8 days ago

Part 2 - Grandmothers in Charge - Priesthood to Catch Up - Build Home for Mothers Love -10-2-24

( Save Sources as Below! ) In 1978 - Indians won rights back to Speak about their Religion and Sacred Faith!! - Time for us Not to Judge but to Welcome others into the House of Faith - One HOME - One faith - One lodge - from many lodges!!

Part 1 Grandmothers in Charge - Priesthood to Catch Up - Build Home for Mothers Love -10-2-24

Video Source -
( above Video Called - “The peacemaker, Mayans and 3 Nephites” )

Men Playing Catch Up with Women - Creators - Priesthood - actions to make a home for this Love! Understand who we are and the Creator's Purpose for us!!

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