4 months ago

on October 3rd, 2024.
Germany Replaces Japan as Country with World’s Lowest Birth Rate
Editor’s Note: If you look at a Statistics map of birth rates around the world, you will see most white nations have a very low birth rate while Africa has the highest birth rate as though they are being told by the Jews with heavy promotion to replace whites by encouragement of high birth rates.
The controlled media try to make this into a strictly economic concern, which can be “solved” by immigration. In reality, this is a matter of the purposeful genocide of our race worldwide, and immigration is one of the weapons used against us.
GERMANY’S birth rate has fallen to the lowest in the world, according to a study by an auditing firm. (ILLUSTRATION: Germany saw an average of 8.2 children born per 1,000 inhabitants over the past five years.)
The country has dropped below Japan to take the lowest birth rate globally, according to the study by the Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI), prompting fears that labour market shortages could damage the economy.
The authors of the study also said that women’s participation in the workforce would be key to the country’s economic future, and warned that a shrinking working-age population could have negative effects.
Germany saw an average of 8.2 children born per 1,000 inhabitants over the past five years.
The falling birth rate means the percentage of people of working age in the country — between 20 and 65 — would drop from 61 per cent to 54 per cent by 2030.
Japan saw 8.4 children born per 1,000 inhabitants over the same time period, whereas Portugal and Italy saw 9.0 and 9.3, respectively. France and the UK both had an average of 12.7 births per 1,000 inhabitants.
Meanwhile, the highest birth rates were in Africa, with Niger at the top of the list with 50 births per 1,000 people.
Arno Probst, a member of the corporate governance working group of the IDW (German Institute of Public Auditors), said employers in Germany faced higher wage costs as a result.
“Without strong labour markets, Germany cannot maintain its economic edge in the long run,” he added.
Mr Probst said the country needed young immigrant workers to fill the significant skills gap and that more women were needed in the workforce to aid the economy.
Marriage Laws and the Principles of Breeding
He who leaves the plants in a garden to themselves will soon find to his surprise that the garden is overgrown by weeds and that even the basic character of the plants has changed. — Darré
by Richard Walther Darré
Introduction by Max Musson
RICHARD Walther Darré, (1895-1953), was head of the department of Rassen und Siedlugsamt [Race and Settlement] in the SS in 1931. He became Minister of Agriculture for the German Reich in 1933, and Reichsbauernführer [Reich’s Peasant Leader] in 1934.
This article primarily consists of extensive excerpts from a chapter entitled, ‘Die Grundgedanken der Zuchtaufgaben und die Ehegesetze’ [Marriage Laws and the Principles of Breeding] from a book entitled, ‘Neuadel aus Blut und Boden’ [A New Aristocracy Based on Blood and Soil] written by Darré, [Munich: Lehmann Verlag, 1930] pp 127-144.
As a young man Darré initially joined the Artaman League, a Völkisch German youth-group committed to the back-to-the-land movement. In this context he began to develop the idea of a connection between the future of the Germanic people and the soil: the tendency which became known as “Blut und Boden”. Here “Blut” (blood) represents race or ancestry, while “Boden” expresses the concepts of soil, territory, or land. The essence of the theory involved the mutual and long-term relationship between a people and the land they occupy and cultivate.
Darré’s two main writings were ‘Das Bauerntum als Lebensquell der nordischen Rasse’ [The Peasantry as Life Source of the Nordic Race], which was published in 1929 and as already mentioned, ‘Neuadel aus Blut und Boden’ published in 1930.
Below, we can read Darré’s ideas regarding marriage laws that he believed played a vital role in creating the social order which shaped the German peasantry and which was responsible for maintaining the genetic quality of the nation through the preservation of its predominantly Nordic character.
This reproduction of Darré’s work is not an unqualified endorsement of his ideas, as he is of his time and makes two disparaging references to ‘Slavs’, which reflect a narrowly Nordic/Germanic perspective which is no longer appropriate in my view, not in 2016 and not for some considerable time. [These, omitted here, were in any case largely obviated by later National Socialist doctrine. — Ed.] Through reading Darré’s work, however, it is possible to gain a more informed…
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