October 6 - John 2-4 - #2024BibleStudy

4 months ago

Our Chronological Bible reading plan for October 6, 2024 is John 2-4. #chronologicalbiblestudy #bibleinorder

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We are believers of Jesus reading and studying the Bible together in chronological order. This video podcast is a chronological Bible study companion. If you are interested in chronological Bible study, the Bible In Order podcast is for you! We provide daily Bible study devotions to compliment your Daily Bible reading / Chronological Bible Reading in a year guide.

David Doty explores key themes from the Gospel of John, focusing on Jesus' miracles, teachings, and the transformative power of faith. He discusses the significance of Jesus' first miracle at the wedding in Cana, the cleansing of the temple, the concept of being 'born again,' and the importance of worshiping God in spirit and truth. Doty emphasizes the need for personal transformation and the advancement of God's kingdom through belief and action.

Jesus' first miracle symbolizes transformation from the ordinary to the extraordinary.
The number six in the miracle represents mankind and God's plan for creation.
Righteous anger is necessary when God's house is disrespected.
We must care more about what God cares about in our lives.
Being born again is essential for understanding the kingdom of God.
Worshiping God requires a spirit-led approach, not just physical rituals.
The Samaritan woman's encounter with Jesus illustrates the need for spiritual awakening.
True satisfaction comes from doing the will of God, not earthly concerns.
Faith leads to healing and the advancement of God's kingdom.
Personal transformation is a journey that requires a desire to know God.

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Transcripts and more are available at the BIO (Bible In Order) website: https://bibleinorder.com
David's personal real estate website: agentdaviddoty.com
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Heather Doty's FASTer Way to Fat Loss: https://www.fasterwaycoach.com/heatherdoty

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