Immutable Truths

5 months ago

The desire for knowledge is not the same as a search for spiritual Truth. Ask Adam and Eve.

Closing doors to all religion, spiritual theory, and sorcery is very easy for anyone who actually desires the Truth.

Desire for "knowledge" about spiritual things is just another lust.

No one is ever "ready" to enter into the Truth. Never. Those who do, always do so in spite of not being remotely "ready". It's like this: "Ready or not, here I come."

A coward should never go down the road of seeking Spiritual Truth. They should just be humble agnostics who admit they are afraid to know the Truth.

The desire for any kind of spiritual power, without absolute commitment to Truth, always devolves into sorcery of one form or another.

Spiritual Truth sets us free from corruption, and purity opens the door to more Truth. It is a beautiful and powerful self-sustaining cycle.

Knowing the Truth always involves a wholehearted absolute personal campaign to be free of all corruption. The pure in heart shall see God.

Spiritual Truth always exposes and engages evil and corruption head on, within us and in all of 4D+.

Any philosophy or theosophy that in any way avoids, denies, accepts, or minimizes the existence of evil, is never Spiritual Truth.

Taking evil head on is far easier than the life lived under its spells and bondage.

A great 3D life can be covered and super fun when out from under the futility of the fallen nature.

Most who consider themselves above traditional religion are in fact super religious. Self-worship is the most traditional and embarrassing religion of all.

Science for good (Learning the science of skin grafts for child burn victims for example) is a noble and beautiful use of the human mind.

Theory about Spiritual Truth and 4D+ is not science, and is always futile, arrogant, masturbatory delusion. The more complex and difficult the theories, the more of a circle jerk it is.

Religion is the mind of man inventing theories and ways of explaining God and spiritual dimensions. True discovery of Truth comes from God via direct experience only.

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