To Overthrow the World: The Rise and Fall and Rise of Communism (Sean McMeekin)

2 months ago

The latest book by the excellent Sean McMeekin--a survey of Communist theory and thought, with surprising-to-some conclusions about the rebirth of Communism in the present day.

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"Unlike the cats grilled by the illegals invited by our rulers to invade once-decent towns all over America, Communism has nine lives, or more. Why is it that Communism, the most destructive and evil ideology in the history of mankind, always takes a licking and keeps on ticking? The short answer is that Communism is merely one branch of the Left tree, infinitely seductive because it appeals to our basest instincts, and until that tree is felled like Boniface’s oak, Communism and its siblings will continue their destruction. To arm ourselves to achieve that goal, it is very helpful to understand Communism. And there is no better way to gain this essential knowledge than with Sean McMeekin’s latest book. . . ."

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