Openly Transgender Couple

4 months ago

Hailey & Justin Bieber - an obvious transgender/androgynous couple on the world stage 🤫 I recently came to the realization of what the “Adams Family” represents. Most just think that this is just some light hearted “spooky” Halloween film but for those of us who see with our spiritual eyes - we know that there is always a deeper meaning/symbolism behind EVERYTHING that the forces who control our world present to us & they communicate through signs, symbols, & hidden coded language - I have always thought to myself why does the woman look so much like a man? & after YEARS of research into Talmudism, Judaic Kabbalism, & it’s relation to androgyny, I feel the answer to this question is now plain as day obvious!!!! The Adams family represents “The Adam Kadmon” the androgynous divine being, so the “Addams Family” is a transgender family the same way the elites are “Adams Families” - they make the eyes so large, practically bulging out of the head of the man, because large, shallow-set exposed eyes are a distinct feature of the female skull, whereas deep set eyes & a prominent brow-ridge are a distinct male skull trait - there is lots of evidence to support that this is to protect the eyes in battle/combat. Also take note of how “protective” Mortica is of Gomez… who looks like the handler here? The Adams Family represents every “couple” that you see on the world stage - all world leaders, powerful influential figures are apart of this club. They are “Adams Families” - aka Elite Gender Inversion. Why do you think an actress (Jenna Ortega) with such a prominent male jaw was chosen to play the daughter in the newest remake of this film? I do understand & take into mind that majority of the masses have no concept of what it actually looks like when young boys who are raised as little girls from birth go on puberty blockers, take estrogen & represent as women - & Vice versa & - majority of you are not even remotely versed in gender affirming surgeries, facial feminization surgery, facial masculinization surgery, body feminization & body masculinization surgeries.. YES PEOPLE, ALL of this stuff exists & these operations & practices have already been performed for a VERY long time now!!!!!! We, the general public, are just now getting access to this high tech & extensive world of “gender affirming care” I understand that you would never believe that there could possibly be an entire class of people who walk this earth who look exactly like you, but they are NOT in the same image & likeness of you LITERALLY!!!!! & why it matters? Well they own everything. The whole entire world. They control everything within the confines of your perceived reality. They’re the paradigm creators. They control your reality. & if you don’t understand what I mean when I say this, it just means that you don’t have any understanding of just how deep they have their hands in the world that you live in, down to the food that you eat, the car you drive, the house you live in, the fiat currency you work for, I could go on & on & on. They’re in control, they own everything & we FUND THEIR EMPIRE. We are a slave/peasant class. We work. They do not. They DECEIVE us for a LIVING. Here is a different perspective for you… Just think about it like this - when you make love to your spouse, you are in a “holy Union”, the union of man & woman, procreation, a beautifully perfectly made design - the man is the “giver” the woman is the “receiver” - passive & active - yin & yang - masculine & feminine, made in the image & likeness of your Creator/Father in Heaven… when these people “make love” to their spouse - it’s a male, with a pair of breasts, & a penis - representing as a woman, “giving” it to what appears to be a man, with a vagina…. This is their “holy union” ..I understand it is so unbelievable to think that there could be an entire “elite” / ruling class of people who represent as the opposite gender of their skeleton, & have been in the practice of perfecting & mastering exactly how to deceive you, since millennia!!!! Ritual cross dressing, “spiritual ascension” via transgenderism, “baphomet worship”, Kabbalism, Judaic Mysticism, whatever name you slap on it to try to even condense in a simple term what this is… when you try to explain this stuff to people the majority just stop thinking logically & all you get is a PURE EMOTIONAL REACTION in full defense of these master deceivers, with a mix of STRONG cognitive dissonance & a complete disbelief. Listen folks it is what it is… I didn’t make it this way. THEY DID. & the PROOF is ALL right in front of you, if you are truly seeking with all your heart you WILL find… NONE of this is hidden anymore & they aren’t even hiding their practices anymore, it’s all well documented historically & all of the proof you need is before you to discover & uncover what is the biggest deception ever pulled on the masses, & perhaps even the best kept hidden secret of the world but it’s all hiding right in plain sight when you have the eyes to see it & understand their hidden coded language… but if you don’t seek please don’t come calling those of us who do seek, crazy simply because we are able to see through an illusion that you are dead asleep to! I already have heard every single explanation from all of the so called “debunkersBut he talks like a man” “But she sounds like a woman” “But she’s so small” “But she’s so hot” “But he’s so tall” “But he is so muscular” “THERE’S JUST NO WAY!” “IMPOSSIBLE!!!” - listen while I understand your assumptions, there IS a way. & it’s been going on right under your nose this entire time. The only question is do you have the ears to hear & eyes to see through the illusion? Do you approach this topic with an open mind, an open heart & do you have the ability to discern truth from lies? #openyoureyes #discernment #deception #inplainsight #wakeup #awaken #strangerthanfiction #staydisciplined #iykyk #ifyouknowyouknow #hollyweird #doyouseewhatisee #factsoverfeelings #truthurts

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