Jewish holocaust - Treblinka Extermination Camp- Dr Fredrick Toben

4 months ago

In October 1999 a small group of Australian researchers traveled to Poland where Treblinka Extermination camp is supposedly located to find PROOF of the mass graves. Treblinka Camp is 300 meters by 200 meters in size.

The 870,000 bodies would taken up the whole camp. The team used GROUND PENETRATING RADAR SYSTEMS. A machine that can pick up EARTH DISTURBANCES and objects as small as a KNIFE down to 30 meters underground. The team took 3 weeks to scan the whole camp area and the scans were saved on the laptop. They SCANNED for WOOD ASH & HUMAN ASH and after 3 weeks the team found NO GRAVES, NO ASH, no remains of buildings or fences.

So the Team returned to Australia. All the SCANS on the laptop were sent out to EXPERTS WORLDWIDE for their opinions. The results obtained by the Australian researchers show with 100% CERTAINTY that the Nazi Extermination camp Treblinka NEVER EXISTED!

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