Trump-Attack: Is the World Domination Cult profiting from it?

8 hours ago

Hardly any politician knows how to put himself in the lime light on the world stage more than he does. Hardly anyone polarizes and divides opinions more than he does: Donald Trump, President of the United States from 2017 to 2021 and Republican candidate for the US presidential elections on November 5, 2024. According to the German-American Institute Tübingen, this election is an event that impacts our destiny – not only the destiny of the USA, but of the global community.

Donald Trump is celebrated by some as the “new messiah” who is “draining the swamp”, and feared by others as a “destroyer of democracy” and “propagator of hate”. For others, he is merely a pawn of the power-elite for whom he is advancing the global agenda.

Who is Donald Trump and what role does he play in world affairs? This broadcast aims to provide answers to these questions. We will begin with an analysis of the presumed assasination attempt, on July 13, 2024. This attack further exacerbates the political polarization around Trump, so for this reason it should serve as an illustration here. Above all, the question !Who benefits from the assassination attempt on Trump?” should shed some light on Trump’s role.

First of all then, let’s have a look at the attack on Trump on July 13, 2024: During a campaign event for the 2024 presidential election, an assassin allegedly tried to kill Donald Trump with an automatic rifle. Videos show Trump turning his head to the side to read from the teleprompter immediately before the shot. According to Trump, the movement of his head saved his life. Trump was apparently hit in the ear by one of several shots. One spectator died from a gunshot wound and two others were seriously injured. A short time later, the suspected assassin was killed by a Secret Service sniper.

Analyses of the course of events showed some obvious inconsistencies and raised many questions. This has led to speculation and leaves many grey areas. Even the question of whether and to what extent it could have been a staged event, cannot be answered with absolute certainty. According to various experts’ assessments, the blood on Trump’s ear could also have been fake blood.

The following are just a few of the many inconsistencies and oddities.

Inconsistencies and oddities

The FBI identified the shooter as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks. He was described as a “miserable shooter” even in the tabloid media. How likely is it that he would have killed Trump with an automatic rifle registered to his father over a distance of about 120 meters if Trump hadn’t turned his head? Also worth mentioning is a video showing Crooks as an unpaid extra in a commercial for BlackRock, the world’s largest asset manager.

Even before the shots were fired, Trump supporters had discovered the assassin and informed the security forces. A police officer was said to then have climbed onto the roof. When Crooks pointed the gun at him, he had climbed down again. How is it possible that Trump was able to start his speech despite the acute danger? And why did the Secret Service snipers only target Crooks when he had supposedly already shot at Trump?

Video footage shows Trump grabbing his ear immediately after a Secret Service sniper flinched as if he had just fired. According to the official statement, however, the shots were fired at Trump first and then the sniper shot and killed the assassin. Could it be that the sniper was shooting elsewhere pretending Trump was being shot at that very moment?

Sound analyses of video recordings showed that, from the sound quality, at least four different shooters must have fired. So besides Crooks and the Secret Service, more shooters. Officially, however, there was only one assassin reported of.

Ten eyewitnesses had confirmed that someone was on the water tower while shots were fired. A video shows a figure on the water tower moving back and forth during the shots. An analysis of the line where real shots were fired and one man was killed concludes that the shots could not have come from Crooks’ location.

Two days after the attack, Trump reported at the party convention that his hand “was covered with blood”. However, video footage shows no blood on his hand. Immediately after the assassination attempt, a series of photos of Trump with a raised fist taken by AP photographer and Pulitzer Prize winner Evan Vucci quickly went viral around the world. The German author and financial expert Ernst Wolff put it in a nutshell as follows: “And the fact that Trump then stood up like that and immediately raised his fist in the air and images were created with the American flag in the background, well, I have to say that no director could have staged that better. So I have my doubts about all the versions that are circulating. The only thing I know is that the whole thing definitely looks like a staged incident.”

These are just a few of the many oddities that will not be discussed in detail here. But the question arises as to why the so-called quality media do not pursue plausible explanations? Instead, they know nothing better than to immediately dismiss any attempts at explanation as conspiracy theories. Could the conspicuously high number of inconsistencies be part of a plan to create confusion, generate controversy and distract from the essentials with time-consuming details? This must be taken into account in the further analysis.

In order to get to the bottom of who could be behind this, the following question will be explored: “Who benefits from the assassination attempt on Trump?”

Who benefits from the assassination attempt on Trump?

1. First it ostensibly serves Donald Trump’s election campaign

The shots were fired two days before the start of the Republican nominating convention, at which Trump was once again chosen as the Republican presidential candidate.

Ernst Wolff said: “And I know that the whole thing will definitely benefit Donald Trump’s election campaign. So he’s seen as a saintly figure in the Midwest at the moment. He survived that. So God is holding his hand over him. And he showed incredible strength because he got up straight away and immediately raised his hand. So he is now considered the absolute hero in the southern states. And that will definitely bring him a lot of votes.”

For the international campaign and strategy consultant Julius van de Laar, the presidential election is more or less decided. The raised-fist images of Trump after the assassination attempt addressing his audience with the call to “fight, fight, fight” are an “iconic moment” – and probably decisive for the election, says van de Laar. If Trump is elected in November, that will have been the moment when he actually became president, according to the consultant.

2. It serves those who want to stage Trump as a “savior”

US evangelical Christians and other Trump supporters leave no doubt that real shots must have been fired at Trump. “God’s hand of protection was on him,” the president of the influential Billy Graham Evangelistic Association was quoted. The failed assassination attempt helped some religious circles to hail Trump as a “martyr and messiah”.

Rabbi Isser Zalman Weisberg, among others author for the Chabad-Lubavitch Media Center, gives the assassination attempt on Trump a religious clue. He explained in a video message on July 24, 2024: “Presidential candidate Trump’s right ear was injured as a symbolic gesture according to Exodus 21, verse 6. It says that a servant who wants to stay with his master must have his right ear pierced. Trump was ordained as God’s servant and anointed one, just like Cyrus the Great almost 2,400 years ago.” Weisberg goes on to say that the final deadline for redemption will be October 2, 2027, during Donald Trump’s term in office. He has good reason to believe that Donald Trump has been chosen to offer his help in rebuilding the holy temple in Jerusalem and establishing the Jewish kingdom over the whole world.

The British publicist David Icke comments on Rabbi Weisberg’s explanations on the social network X, Quote: “Some would call this insanity, others would say this is exactly the plan. And you?”

3. It serves those who want to further expand the security, or surveillance, apparatus

Ernst Wolff explained it as follows:
“So everyone suddenly agrees we have to prevent such incidents at all costs. And what does that mean? Everyone agrees, security must be strengthened. And what does that mean? We need to rearm internally, i.e. on the inside. So that means we have to strengthen the military. We need to strengthen the police. And of course none of this surprises me when you have an agenda in the background that people won't like at all. (...)

And I believe that if Trump comes to power, there will be a very rude awakening for many Americans very quickly. And of course you have to be prepared for that. The entire security apparatus has to be properly upgraded, and of course, things like this attack also serve this purpose. Because the call for more security will definitely resound loudly in America now.”

4. It serves as a distraction for those who want to introduce digital-financial currency.

Ernst Wolff also comments on this:
“It is always important to know who benefits in the background. And the digital-financial complex benefits at the moment in the background, because right now, in the last few days, all eyes are once again on this attack. All people are conditioned to believe that politics is so important. Nobody looks at the financial system anymore. Nobody looks at what is happening in the economy anymore. And, of course, you can now manipulate and prepare and do everything possible to push through the big agenda in the background. And the big agenda in the background is nothing other than the introduction of the digital central bank currency.”

5. It serves those who want to divide society through chaos in order to advance their agenda according to the divide-and-rule principle

Ernst Wolff commented:
“Because the US economy is under pressure, the financial system is under pressure. They are just waiting for BlackRock to give the green light at some point, for the financial system to collapse and for the new currency, the CBDCs (central bank digital currency), to appear. And in order to get the whole thing off the ground, you have to firstly divide people incredibly, that’s what this assassination attempt is for, and secondly you have to put the right people in the right positions. J. D. Vance, a representative of the digital-financial complex has of course been placed directly in one of the control centers of political power.”

It is undisputed that this “failed assassination attempt” will further intensify political polarization in the USA. With the withdrawal of President Joe Biden eight days after the attack on Trump and the nomination of Kamala Harris, the election campaign was truly relaunched. It is shaping up to be a hard-fought, head to head race.
The Trump attack – whether staged or not – is like a load of oil thrown on the fire, not just between Democrats and Republicans in the USA. Opinions on the Trump attack also differ widely between the right and left worldwide and even with free investigative educators.

Is this simply in the nature of things? Is it coincidence or is there a deliberate calculation behind it? The fact that this could very well be “deliberate calculation” is evident from the political-sociological strategy “divide et impera” – Latin for “divide and rule” – which has been practiced for centuries. One enemy splits the group he wants to defeat, into subgroups. These subgroups fight each other instead of standing together against the common enemy. This way, the one enemy succeeds in establishing his agenda and rule.

And it is precisely this phenomenon that renowned investigative journalists are observing in current world politics. The following is a selection of these voices:
Ernst Wolff in an interview on the Trump attack: “It’s just like in the USA. There’s Biden on one side and Trump on the other. In Germany here, on the one hand, we have Mr. Scholz, Mr. Habeck and Ms. Baerbock, on the other hand, there is the AfD. Everyone is playing a big game to distract us all from the really important things in the background.”

David Icke in his speech at the 20th AZK (“Uncovering World-Tyranny and its war strategies”): You see, this is the great con. You have in politics left v. right. And then in the background, they’re all mates. I mean, some of them might disagree with each other genuinely, but a lot of them, the key people, they’re all mates, really. [...]
So what we’re looking at in terms of politics, left and right, it’s theater. It’s Vaudeville, right? But, and that's to keep us believing in the political system and the fact that because we have to vote every four or five years, somehow we're in control of who, runs the government. But the thing is, that you have the left and the right in this puppet show, and then you go one step back in the shadows and the same hands are controlling both. Which is why no matter who’s in power, left or right, the same agenda unfolds for humanity. [...]
This global cult has no national borders. They are for population consumption only. That’s to make you think that there are different countries with different agendas. There’s not. There’s a global cult that works through all of them.”

Now back to Donald Trump and the 2024 US presidential election. Is the whole thing really like a “puppet show” and that in the end it doesn’t really matter who is elected 47th President of the United States?

The renowned US investigative journalist Whitney Webb urgently warns that both Republicans and Democrats are being influenced by the same powerful oligarchs and calls for the political system to be critically scrutinized. She emphasizes that the real winners of the upcoming elections are not the citizens, but the powerful billionaires who want to further expand the surveillance state. Webb reveals who is financing the Trump election campaigns on the US platform “Unlimited Hangout”. The central figure is tech investor, PayPal and Palantir founder Peter Thiel, supported by his colleagues. They are financing the Trump campaign with at least 45 million dollars.

And furthermore, Trump’s vice presidential candidate, J. D. Vance, is so to speak, a protégé of Thiel. Webb also explains that the Democrats are supported by ex-Google CEO Eric Schmidt and not Thiel. Schmidt and Thiel, in turn, are both co-chairs of the influential Bilderberg Club. In short, the Bilderberg Group can be seen as the global, political and economic arm of the power-elite. The Rockefeller Foundation, the CIA and the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR for short) were heavily involved in its establishment. As Kla.TV demonstrated and summarized in several broadcasts, their agenda is “the relentless effort to build an all-powerful world government”. [] This is to be achieved through the introduction of a digital central bank currency, a surveillance and exclusion system, a vaccination policy with mRNA vaccines, a fraudulant climate rip-off policy and with the help of the military-industrial complex.

No matter if it’s Donald Trump, Joe Biden or Kamala Harris, no matter whether it is Republican or Democrat, always this one and the same global agenda is supposed to be pushed forward. In an article published on July 29, 2024, independent journalist Caitlin Johnstone, who specializes in US politics, explained how Democrats and Republicans constantly attack each other for foreign policy positions which in reality they do not even hold. This is intended to give the impression of there being significant differences of opinion on foreign policy.

So Trump said of Harris “she hates Israel”. In fact, she is married to a Jewish man, evidently bows to the Israel lobby and issued a statement in which she described 'anti-genocide demonstrators' against Netanyahu’s speech as terrorists.

On the other hand, the Democrats have been accusing Trump of being a friend of Russia and Vladimir Putin for years. In reality, however, Trump has spent his entire time as president working against Moscow’s interests. He initiated the armament of Ukraine, tore up nuclear treaties, introduced one sanction after another against Russia, bombed and occupied Syria and much more. In reality, both Democrats and Republicans more or less agree on all important foreign policy issues, according to Caitlin Johnstone.

Trump knows how to polarize like no other. His statement that he would end the war in Ukraine quickly if he were elected for a second term in office is not entirely believable either. US journalist Ben Norton, who specializes in geopolitics, gave evidence in a 55-minute documentary of how Trump was actually a warmonger as president. The video gives an overview of Trump’s support for Israel and Ukraine as well as his aggressive policies towards China, Russia, Palestine, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Yemen, Bolivia, Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba.

Exactly the same could be said about any Democratic president, whether Barack Obama, Joe Biden or Kamala Harris. Caitlin Johnstone compares the superficial differences between Republicans and Democrats with the jewelers in John Steinbeck’s novel “The Pearl”. They all work for the same employer to create the illusion of competition. In exactly the same way, the battle between the various parties is an apparent battle to create the illusion of democracy. This game of illusion allows the few would-be powerful and world domination obsessed to push their agenda forward without the knowledge of the divided voters.

Events like the Trump assassination attempt to drive a deeper wedge between the different camps. Hence, it does not matter in the end whether and to what extent it might have been a staged event. Rather it is much more important, to expose the plans of the world-control-addicts and stop them by joining forces – instead of arguing about details.

Will you join us in putting a stop to these plans by sharing this broadcast?

If you would like to dive deeper into the topic, we recommend David Icke’s speech, held at the 20th Anti-Censorship Conference (AZK) with the title “Uncovering World-Tyranny and its war strategies”. []

In his speech, he shows the problem with the divide-and-rule principle. He says, it is a tiny fraction of the world’s eight billion people who are creating this global horror scenario. Eight billion people cannot be controlled. So these few masterminds create different political parties and belief systems to divide and to rule over the eight billion. In his 75-minute presentation, you will also find what David Icke proposes as a way out.

from dd.
US-Presidential Elections on November 5, 2024 seem like an event that impacts our destiny

Assassination Attempt on Donald Trump (Wikipedia)

Former classmates describe Crooks to be a miserable shooter

Thomas Matthew Crooks was unpaid extra in a commercial for BlackRock

Policeman takes hold of Trump-assassin – and lets him act

Ten eyewitnesses confirm shooter on the water tower (Wikipedia)

Trump-Assassination Attempt XXL-Analysis: What we know & what we do not know

Interview of Dominik Kettner with Ernst Wolff July 16, 2024

What consequences does the assassination attempt have on the election campaign? (

US-Evangelicals after Trump-Attack: „God’s hand of protection was on him“

Donald Trump is celebrated as martyr and messiah

Rabbi Isser Zalman Weisberg: The failed Trump-attack proves that he is the second non-Jewish messiah

Expert: Attack continues to increase the political polerization in the USA

Divide et impera (Latin for „divide and rule“) (Wikipedia)

Whitney Webb reveals: This is how Trump, Thiel and Vance advance the technocratic dystopia (horror scenario)!

The financial elites behind Trump-Vance and the democrats

Caitlin Johnstone about the apparent differences of opinion of Trump and Harris

Trump promises Zelensky end of Ukraine war – „I will bring peace to the world“

Donald Trump is NO „Threat for the Deep State” – This is his warmongering balance sheet:

Donald TRUMP is NO „DANGER for the DEEP STATE“ (Geopolitical Economy Report-German)

Ben Norton, US journalist and analyst, specialized in geopolitics

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