Baby Bearded Dragon Enjoying Leafy Greens!

4 months ago

Munchie, one of our baby bearded dragon rescues from a few years ago, enjoying his leafy greens.

What to Feed a Baby/Juvenile Bearded Dragon?

They have the same diet as adult bearded dragons, the only difference being that the ratio of food and food types differ. Baby bearded dragons eat basically just insects every day, with a leaf or two a day. Juveniles need 20% plants and 80% insects, meaning they have their insects every day and a veggie and greens meal every fourth day. One year and older, it is reversed, with veggies and greens every day and insects every second to the third day, but plants come first and are topped off with insects for dessert. It is NOT recommended to give fruits to babies as it contains too much sugar. Fruits are treats and should only be given occasionally after 8 months.

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