Gaze of God - Confessions Bk.12 Chs.11-14

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16 days ago

Midweek Refuel
Confessions Bk.12 Chs.11-14
Gaze of God

Are you ready to dive deep into the mysteries of creation, the power of your mind, and the profound impact your thoughts and words have on your life? In this lesson, we explore the insights of Augustine, blending ancient wisdom with modern challenges. You’ll discover how formless matter relates to the divine act of creation, and how that same principle applies to shaping your life today. This isn’t just theology – it’s a roadmap for transforming your reality. Humility, faith, and vigilance can unlock your creative potential and help you build a life rooted in God’s wisdom. Don’t miss this opportunity to elevate your mind, guard your thoughts, and co-create with Christ in a world full of chaos. Are you ready to be part of God’s masterpiece?

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Student Notes: Midweek Refuel - Confessions Bk.12 Chs.11-14

Title: "The Gaze of God"

Augustine wrestles with the relationship between formless matter and creation.
Focus on human knowledge, divine wisdom, and the mysteries of creation.
Call to humility in approaching the things of God.
Key idea: Theological and metaphysical truths are accessible only to the humble.

Key Scripture: Wisdom shuts herself off from the proud, but is open to those who fear the Lord (James 4:6, Matthew 23:12).
Lady Wisdom and the Mystery of Knowledge:

Wisdom, like any mystery, requires deep pursuit and discernment.
Comparison to a romance, where the mystery draws us closer, rather than quick and easy answers.
Job’s question: “Where shall wisdom be found?” (Job 28:12-13) invites the journey into divine mysteries.

Application: Pursuing wisdom requires more than surface-level knowledge—it requires asking the right questions and embracing the mystery.
Augustine's Questions about Creation:

Augustine ponders: What existed before God created heaven and earth?
Genesis 1:2 speaks of the earth being "without form and void"—Augustine questions the meaning of formlessness and potential in creation.
The “formless earth” is viewed as potential waiting to be shaped by God's Word.

Reflection: Augustine’s exploration of formlessness invites us to consider the raw materials of life and how God shapes them into creation.
Pondering the Origins of Creation:

Even before scientific discoveries, Augustine engages with questions similar to modern-day physics.
Joke: God tells an atheist “get your own dirt,” illustrating that even the building blocks of creation come from God.
Reality is made of divine thoughts given form. Key Verse: 'By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command' (Hebrews 11:3).

Application: Our understanding of reality, though limited, reveals the profound truth that everything originates from God's Word and thought.
Imagination and Co-Creation:

Augustine emphasizes the divine origin of forms. God provides the raw materials, but humans—through imagination sparked by the divine—create new things.
Examples: Art, music, technology are all human manifestations of divine imagination.
We are co-creators with God, shaping the world with our thoughts, words, and actions.

Challenge: What are you doing with the "Lincoln Logs" God has provided? Are you using your imagination and God-given abilities to build up His Kingdom?
Guarding the Mind from Corruption:

The mind is a battlefield—Paul Bunyan's Holy War teaches the need to guard the gates of our thoughts from evil influences.
Augustine warns that pride prevents access to divine mysteries, while humility opens the door to wisdom.

Reflection: We must be vigilant in guarding what enters our minds, for our thoughts shape the world we live in.
Cultural Corruption and the Battle for the Mind:

Modern society bombards us with toxic influences (e.g., media, social platforms, pornography, distorted ideologies).
These influences corrupt the mind, leading to confusion, division, and chaos.

Key Thought: A mind fed with garbage produces destruction, but a mind filled with God's truth creates life, justice, and peace.
The Anxious Generation:

Today’s generation is overwhelmed by constant pressures, leading to anxiety and insecurity.
Social media and cultural comparisons exacerbate this anxiety.
The Bible reminds us: “The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace” (Romans 8:6).

Call to Action: The way to peace is through feeding our minds with God's Word and truth, not the chaos of the world.
Humility and Divine Power:

True power, according to scripture, is given only to the humble.
Key Verses: 'God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble' (James 4:6), and 'Whoever humbles himself will be exalted' (Matthew 23:12).
Those who seek power for selfish reasons are denied it; but those who align their hearts with God’s will are entrusted with divine power.

Reflection: Are you seeking power for yourself or for God’s purposes? Align your heart with His will.
Closing Questions and Reflection:

What do I feed my mind? Am I allowing God's Word to shape my thoughts or am I letting the world dictate them?
What am I creating? Are my thoughts and actions contributing to the City of God or the City of Man?
Am I living under the lordship of Christ? Does my life reflect submission to His truth, wisdom, and love?

Key Verse: 'Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind' (Romans 12:2).
Final Challenge:

Examine what you feed your mind this week. Surrender your thoughts to God and invite Him to transform your mind.
Build the City of God through your thoughts, words, and actions.

Commitment: Declare Christ as King over your life and commit to living in a way that builds His Kingdom on earth.

Key Confession: “Christ is King! Hail to the King!

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