New PRS Season. New Problems To Fix!

1 day ago

Well, finally got the start of the new PRS season with my local group. This is going to be the 2024-2025 season. I was so focused on testing ammo and trying to get that as good as possible, I let some other things slack off!

First issue. I found the cause of my zero shifts, I think. I did have an action screw that was about half or so of a turn loose!! I could not feel it when trying to move the scope and action around, but when I actually used a torque wrench it turned a bit before clicking. That is likely my problem. It got me through the match. I will test again to see if it's holding the same place. If it is, then that was the problem. If not, I will keep investigating.

Next, I did not get nearly enough sleep! The whole week I was up late every night and early every morning. The night before the match I was in bed around 1:30 in the morning and alarms at 4:30. So, very little sleep. When the sun started warming things up after the 3rd stage, I was really starting to feel the week catch up to my body. I pushed through and got a pretty good sunburn, but I have been feeling this in my arms for the last 4 days.
So, I need to rest more before things like this!!

Next, I just did not work enough on the positional stuff. I was off on some things that should have been easy. I need to work on different ways to set up in a position and get stable faster. I seem to spend the first 30 seconds just getting set up and finding the first target. I need to improve that.
I mention a few other things in the video I noticed and will be working on soon. Stay tuned and let me know if you have any drills I should try to get these skills down better.
I am pretty confident in my ammo work now. I think I can leave this the way it is and stop tinkering with it. I will be able to shift my focus to the other skills. I have a few weeks to get honed on those and see if I can pull a few more hits together next month.

I finished 5th overall. The frustrating part is that last year I beat 2nd, 3rd, and 4th at matches before. I could have got 2nd, but I was off this day and the other guys were much more on their game. I will work on this and get myself into the top 3!!

Thanks for watching. I hope you have a great rest of your day and an awesome weekend!!

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