If you look at the politicians, and Democrats particularly, they are not connected to reality.

5 months ago

Alex Jones: "And if you look at the politicians, and Democrats particularly, they are not connected to reality. So to them, everything human is scared, scary. They want sanitized, shrunken. I mean, if you look at Democrat Party politicians, they look like a demonic spider sucked their life force out. So these are- Wait, wait, wait, wait. I'm sorry. I want you to stop. When you look at a Democratic politician, they look like a demonic spider sucked their life force out...
I mean, the vibes, 20 feet from Hillary, you repel something like Jack-o'-lantern....I can't make a face. I mean, horrifying, and they're slithering around. And I mean, it's like, and then God bless her soul, Sheila Jackson Lear, whatever, just died. Before she did, she gets up and she goes, I saw that eclipse. It almost burned up the moon. We know the sun's the same size of the moon, and the moon is hollow and glows. A lot of them aren't even evil, but they're dumber than hell. And the globalists.
The globalists are counting on that, but look, knowledge is infectious. How the world works is infectious. They don't want people to get excited about knowledge. And once you do, it's addicting. And we just, people ask me all the time, what do we tell young people to do? The opposite of what Hollywood tells you. Anything Democrats tell you, anything politicians say that are leftist, anything Hollywood says, anything BlackRock funds, it's simple. It's like somebody handing you cyanide or fentanyl. Don't take it, don't get near it, and just love your family. Be strong. Don't feel bad because you don't have a bunch of money. Don't feel bad because you're trucking new. Don't feel bad. No, you've got a soul and you love God, you love your country, you love your family...
Be confident and know you were born to be in this time and you've been under covert globalist attack but you're not a victim, you're not a loser. You are the sleeping giant that now has awoken and our enemies are afraid and they should be afraid."

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