Jimmy Dore about the "safe and effective" Covid shot

5 months ago

"But I was the first in line to get the Vax, and I was like, hey, since I'm the first one, is the vaccine safe? And they go, yeah, it's safe. I was like, well, can I see the vaccine trial data? And they go, we're not going to release that for 75 years. I was like, did Pfizer kill Kennedy?
So I got the vax and I was like, hey, I'm gonna go home. They go, you can't go home. You have to stay here for 15 minutes in case you die. I was like, you sons of bitches. You told me it was safe! They go, it is safe! What are you, anti-vax? I just got the vax, fuckface!
So they go, you have to stay here for 15 minutes in case you die. 15 minutes in case. I go, if my heart explodes, because that's what they said, they go, we have to monitor you for 15 minutes in case your heart explodes. Hey, if my heart explodes, I'm going to sue the shit out of everybody. They said you can't sue if your heart explodes, because they passed the law saying you can't sue if you get injured by the Vax.
I was like, why would they pass the law like that? They go, cause it's safe. And I'm not saying that the COVID-19 vaccine doesn't work. All I'm saying is everybody I know who got the COVID-19 vaccine then got COVID. Is that how vaccines work now? Could you imagine if we all got the polio vaccine and in the same year we all got polio?
I'd be like, hey, I don't think that polio vaccine works. Why do you say that, Jim? I got fucking polio! But then there's always some asshole, well, it's not supposed to stop you from getting it, it's just supposed to lessen your symptoms. Oh, well then I guess it worked. I guess it worked. Look at me, I'm a success story over here. Put me on the poster for the facts, yes!"

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