A government that has the capacity to silence its critics has a license for any atrocity.

3 days ago

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: "A government that has the capacity to silence its critics has a license for any atrocity. And we are, you know, we're in a very frightening time now where we are seeing the normalization of censorship. I saw this quote that Vice President Harris, Vice Presidential partner, Tim Walz, Governor Walz, said last year, where he said that the First Amendment is not absolute, that it does not protect misinformation or disinformation. And he is legally wrong there. It does protect that. The First Amendment protects speech, true speech, and it protects lies. Right. It protects good speech and it protects bad speech. Right. It protects all speech. And you know, they didn't pass the First Amendment to protect speech that everybody likes. They pass it to protect the speech that's inconvenient, that's abhorrent, that nobody wants to hear, that's dangerous. That is the price of democracy. And the fact that we now have political leaders who do not understand this, I mean, I remember in 1976 when the entire liberal establishment supported the ACLU in in defending the right of Nazis to march through a neighborhood in Skokie, Illinois that was largely populated by Holocaust survivors. Correct. And everybody was appalled by what their message was. We also understood we had to be right, we had to be willing to die their right to say things that were abhorrent. And if we don't have that, democracy is gone. We're going to lose it. Correct. The idea that you have a vice president, a guy who wants to be vice president of this country, who does not know that, who does not know the First Amendment is not limited, that it is essentially, you know, there are things, there's speech that is not protected. Pedophilia is not protected. You can prosecute it.
Urging violent action is not protected. Shouting fire in a crowded theater is not protected. But, you know, Judge Louis Brandeis said that otherwise speech is protected. And Louis Brandeis said that a remedy for bad speech, a remedy for lies, is not censorship, it's more speech. You know, it is the marketplace. And that, if we don't understand that, we will lose democracy for sure."

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