JUAN O SAVIN- Garden Sunset and Nessun Dorma- NINO 10 1 2024

4 months ago

Quite a tale we weave. Another YT from NINO. Slightly clipped but a nice walk in a Garden at Sunset. The pre-VP Debate.. but much is happening lately. And interesting how Juan looks at things here. Verizon is down briefly and the big news is the devastating floods. The Cargo Strike is a set up and is going to effect us much like the Plandemic.. were they both fabricated? The Trade Unions that control the Longshoreman now on strike have not struck for FIFTY YEARS. Let's see where that ends up 1970's all over again? Who remembers long lines? Gas rationed and Cars cost 10x as much now? This time at the Grocery store, perhaps? Rationing or just way more expensive? The entire Pacific Fleet of Cargo Containers stopped dead 4 years ago.. nothing coming in.. CCP/China at the Helm? Or is this the CCP trying to control commodities.. nope they were PISSED. Because in 2018 Trump put an EMBARGO out that stopped cheap CHINESE STEEL from coming in.. they were building our INFRASTRUCTURE.. let me guess this time it is TECHNOLOGY. The Chinese don't create... they STEAL our INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY!!!! 2/3rds of the PACIFIC fleet of Super Cargo Ships are now scrap. Let's see how this plays out?
Nessun Dorma the last act:
As the final act opens, it is now night. Calaf is alone in the moonlit palace gardens. In the distance, he hears Turandot's heralds proclaiming her command. His aria begins with an echo of their cry and a reflection on Princess Turandot:
Nessun dorma! Nessun dorma!
Tu pure, o Principessa,
nella tua fredda stanza,
guardi le stelle
che tremano d'amore, e di speranza!

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