Int 883 with E Claudette Collins a grandmother falsely accused in Alberta Courts


I am a grandmother falsely accused in Alberta Courts and fighting Court Corruption in Alberta.

Forced into early retirement due to Lyme Disease I became aware of the corruption within the medical field ten years ago which began my journey to unlearn the programming, and search for truth.

I left a very cult religion years prior that hid, and still hides abuse and sexual abuse in their organization.

January 2023 my daughter and her friends falsely accused me in Court without any evidence against me to warrant any kind of Court order for family violence.

I have the EVIDENCE that shows a very vindictive and horrendous attack against me.

This horrendous journey of emotional and psychological abuse by these young people was about to get Worse dealing with corruption by Lawyers, Court staff and Judicial at Kings Court Bench Calgary Alberta.

From Lawyers, to Court Staff to Judges emailing me falsely accusing me. I have EVIDENCE to back everything but The Corruption at Kings Court Bench are denying me justice ultimately violating my Constitutional Rights.

If you speak out against corruption or bring forth evidence of what they are doing, they ‘mark’ you. Then you are escalated to Darryl Ruethers who micro manages every application, including what the Judge receives in the Court room.

I spoke with many people in Alberta whose rights have been grotesquely violated by the justice system, and one thing most of us have in common are
A) Lawyers deliberately leaving orders granted by the Judge out of Court Files, forcing you to pay $240 for Transcripts and other fees for Court files or they deny you access to justice.
B) if you defend yourself or bring evidence of these violations done against us … you get escalated to the notorious Darryl Ruethers, who then micro manages every area of interaction you have with Court.
Including not forwarding letters of complaints to the Cheif Justice of Kings Court Bench.

A Lawyer from Amery Law told me it may not be the Judge who erred in what happened in my recent Court on July 30 2024, but Lawyers and Court staff who are doing this.
(I record all conversations with these corrupt judiciary now)

The Federal Government said it is up to Premier Smith and Justice Minister Mickey Amery to deal with this as its a Provincial matter. I told them i've been calling and emailing them both for over a year with zero response.

It's not in the least bit suspicious that the former O&G ‘UCP’ Premier Smith, the former Child Minister ‘UCP’ Justice Minister Amery, and the Reinstated ‘UCP’ Chief of Police Neufeld are all from the same organized political party who FAIL to protect the people from Albertas CORRUPT COURTS …

We no longer have a justice system that protects the people. The Courts and judicial have become Lawless, destroying families and particularly target and traumatize children by denying them contact to their loved ones which violates the child's 12 Rights of a child under the United Nations.

But as Judge E Wilson said
“Innocent people go to jail all the time, I should know”

I'm a mother, & grandmother, retired from Government Healthcare, Retired Sunday School teacher & home daycare provider falsely accused in Kings Court Bench Calgary Alberta by my daughter and her friends based on hearsay, in a corrupt judiciary with ZERO transparency or Accountability.

See my Google Reviews on
Kings Court Bench Calgary Alberta
Kahane Law Calgary Alberta
Grey Wowk Spencer Calgary

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