Abortion is the Symptom

14 hours ago

Abortion is a major issue in the election. Democrats want to kill babies for cash. It's all about cash and power, it has nothing to do with the health of the mother and of course it kills the child. They don't care, all they care about is power. they hate the people.
President Trump wants to save babies. He has to get elected, so he thinks he can't be an abortion purist. The problem is that society has been brainwashed for 60 years that abortion is a right. No, our rights come from God, as the Declaration of Independence says. They just lie. President Trump and the rest of the Republicans are in a tough spot. Defending life is politically dangerous, so they have left some openings. President Trumps wants to move the ball down the field and he believes this is what he has to do.
Abortion though is a symptom of the sexual revolution. The left wants unlimited sex without consequences. They view it as a right and are trying to normalize it. The actual way to greatly reduce abortions it to get back to Biblical morality where sex is a sacred gift for marriage between a man and a woman. If that happens there will not be a desire to kill children.
Churches, including the Catholic Church have to get back to teaching Christian morality. So many are afraid that doing so would hurt the collection plate. If our society doesn't return to got it will continue to crumble.

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