Orcabio Power Clean v. Connolly Finkel & Explanation of Case 9-25-2024

5 months ago

Orcabio Power Clean v. Connolly Finkel & Explanation of Case 9-25-2024

Video Uploaded to Rumble Account Channel Stepping Into Patriot Power – Mastering the Takedown

BAR Attorneys Fraud-Extortion-Barratry-Human Trafficking-Interference with Commerce-Violation of Rights Under Color of Law-Conspiracy

Predatory attorney viciously and fraudulently attacked me at my business and my home.

This is where a predatory attorney viciously and fraudulently attacked me at my business, my home, and my family. These are steps I am taking to defend myself, my business, my home, and my family. I hope others can learn from this too because there are so many fraudulent attorneys who commit many crimes against innocent victims. Many victims cannot defend themselves. They can lose their home, their children, their spouses, their jobs, etc. Some victims can lose their businesses. Some commit suicide.

There will be a time in the future where we will live under God's law and the Constitution. At such a time people can learn the law and how to defend themselves. I consider posting videos like this community service. Ultimately I am trying to help Orcabio also stand up to crimes against them by the same fraudulent attorney. This scenario is a commercial and a personal situation combined. Most of what I am telling in this video is purposely kept secret by attorneys to their complex BAR system based on fraud and treason. These matters are very complex, but once an average person learns them step-by-step, they can learn how to defend themselves, often without going to court and/or without hiring an attorney.

At the current time, we are under US Military jurisdiction due to Devolution, various federal executive orders signed between 2016 and our current time, the Insurrection Act, the Department of Defense Law of War Manual (rev 2016 - and possibly a later revision), the Presidential Emergency Action Documents (PEADS) which are in Newsweek Magazine, etc.

Most of my work related to law I send directly to various high-level US Military leaders and retired high-level military officials for documentary purposes. I also interface with US Military Intelligence as well as other community activists. My goal is to protect the vulnerable and ordinary men and women against treason, misprision of treason, sedition, insurrection, human rights violations, civil rights violations, Crimes Against Humanity, Genocide, War Crimes, slavery, involuntary servitude, rape, torture, mayhem, sexual assault, coercive control, witness intimidation, undue influence, Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA), child sex trafficking, human trafficking, fraud on the Cestui Que Vie Trust account through the court's Court Registry Investment System (CRIS) using each person's CUSIP number which stands for the Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures(CUSIP), genocide, weapons of mass destruction, kidnapping, Racketeering Influenced Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), child abuse, genocide, poisoning, etc.

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