146 Chinese Arrive in Beijing Safely Following Evacuation from Lebanon

4 months ago

Video: 146 Chinese Arrive in Beijing Safely Following Evacuation from Lebanon. Please take down China's 24/7 emergency phone number. If you need help, US Ambassy & Consulates takes call during business hours ONLY. 146名中國人包括台灣同胞從黎巴嫩撤離後安全抵達北京. 請記下中國的24/7緊急電話號碼。如果您需要美國協助,美國大使館和領事館僅在工作時間內接聽電話,晚上或周未,你就自求多福了,還有你必須先付機票錢才把你救走!

When You Are in Danger, Motherland Takes You Home by Global Times Sep 02 2021 China 24/7 emergency numbers +86 (10) 1230 8 and +86 (10) 5991 3991

中國政府正式宣布:中國人請記住這個号碼:+86-10-12308 。中國人的全球領事保護!出國旅居的中國公民,若遇上意外危難就可以撥打它。中國外交部全球領事保護與服務應急呼叫中心正式啟動了+86(10)12308熱綫。外交部長王毅公開説:“不管同胞們身處海外哪個角落,遇到甚麼困難,只要撥通這個電話,就能在第一時間得到幫助

A total of 146 Chinese citizens and five foreign family members safely arrived in Beijing in the early hours of Wednesday on a chartered Air China flight, following their evacuation from Lebanon.

The operation was coordinated by the Chinese government to ensure the safe return of its nationals amid escalating tensions in the region.

All the Chinese citizens who expressed a desire to leave Lebanon have been successfully relocated.




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