Atomic Biscuits - 20240929 - Cyclonic

19 hours ago

This week the usual really offal tennis match between candidates left and right continued to bore American audiences; but that’s okay, you’ve got the sideshow clowns out doing the rounds to make balloon animals and squirt water from lapel daisies. Doddery JoBiden washed up on an idiotic daytime talker to claim he would beat Trump if he were still on the ballot…forgetting that, well, no…that’s why you aren’t on the ballot. He also made sure to endorse Kamala Harris by telling everyone that she had been empowered not just as border czar but to create all kinds of policy. So…all these failures Harris is trying so hard to distance herself from, that she’d do things differently if she was in charge…well, Biden says she was.
CNN’s Jake Tapper was chastised by looney left emirati Nancy Pelosi because he dared to challenge the narratives pumped out by the pro-Harris camp. Demonstrably false information about inflation numbers, job numbers, COVID data…routinely appears in campaign ads which a basic fact-check can debunk…but nobody, and especially Jake Tapper, should notice…must less call it out. Look for a breaking scandal at CNN to shake out yet another talking head.
Vladimir Putin indicated that the threshold for nuclear weapon use has gone down…that there are going to be consequences for NATO and the West for providing Ukraine with the means to hurt Russia. But nobody in Washington or Brussels or anywhere in the West are there those pushing for deals and peace…just more war. Just ask Zelenskyy. He’s shopping it out all over the world.

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