Proof: The Masonic Conspiracy to Replace the KJV with the New Versions

5 months ago

In this video I will be showing proof that Manly P Hall was calling for "new translations" to replace the King James Version, in the year of 1942. Many of the pastors in America are members of the Masonic Lodge, and therefore would submit to the philosophies of Manly Hall. It is shocking to think how deeply Satan's Ministers (2 Cor. 11:13-15) have infiltrated the church, and how they have worked tirelessly to destroy faith in the word of God, in the life of every Christian. This will be one of my most important videos ever. Please pray for us, because I know the Devil is going to counter attack this ministry because of being exposed on this level. - Bryan Denlinger

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WinePress News:

Is the King James Version Harder to Read?

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