55. Fast Day One and Two...The No Damn Choice Workout, Wednesday, October 2. 2024

22 hours ago

Well, the fast is ongoing and going well. Yesterday, the first day of the fast, a special situation happened where I could take a huge amount of sellable property of mine to two of my best friends. That friend is starting the fight of his life against cancer in his tonsils and down the right side of his jaw. They need the money these items can generate. And God was definitely with me all day long through this. It was an incredible experience to be able to make happen. Anyway, I got back to the house around 8:30/8:45 and I was completely burnt. I fed the knucklehead one more time, and I crashed out. So, I missed the first day of the month with the workout but maybe I can... not... do that for the rest of the month. We will see. Have a great Thursday everyone Damn is this week flying by.... God Bless You.

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