CULTIC Speedrun | Casual Difficulty | Grave - 3:08

5 months ago

Not a perfect run by any means; it was mostly a test of a speed 'exploit' that occurs by doing a kick after a jump. It's also not all that impressive since it's at the lowest difficulty and I made a lot of mistakes throughout the whole level even after about an hour of tries.

If you notice while playing the game, kicking will push you forward slightly when you jump. Chaining together kick jumps create a sort of b-hop speed boost which can give you really good amounts of speed if you can time the kicks during the ascending period of your jump.

My guess is that it works like this: velocity of running on the ground, plus the forward velocity from the kick and without friction from the ground while in the air from the jump. Of course, frame perfect b-hops would increase your speed.

This is my only 'speed run' that I've done, but I am not a speedrunner. I just really like CULTIC and happened to find the 'kick-hopping' strategy when I was messing around with the dev tools whilst working on a different project.

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