6 Years Sciatica & Low Back Pain treated by Chiropractor in Spanish

5 months ago

Maria has been cleaning homes forever. One day she was trying to clean windows on the second floor and was on a ladder. The ladder fell over and she landed on her back then directly to the emergency room. Luckily there was no broken bones. So fast forward 6 years later. She is in my office because she is the mother of a patient I treated 2 years ago. Check out his two videos in the description below. He even mentioned her in the video. She has been suffering for years trying to feed her family and keep her customers happy. This story makes me so happy. She love her family so much so it was my honor to give her the life back she deserves. Please watch her story and see what can be achieved in just a couple of days. As always please like and subscribe to my channel to optimize the YouTube Algorithm. See you guys on the next video.
Shorts https://youtube.com/shorts/b4JMcSXCDX8
Shorts https://youtube.com/shorts/QzJgvLpS59g
Full Video https://youtu.be/aqFZB_XPjrs

Son's videos
Part 1 https://youtu.be/7UT_zbgZXWU
Part 2 https://youtu.be/bn2IhlkOGjc
I'm Dr. Ace Thayer developer of the Thayer Method. A specific detailed proven chiropractic method that changes lives in as little as 2 weeks. WATCH THIS! https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4DCUyLy_vOooOPA77y3QNJUWf0LJFLs6

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“Balance Focus Neck Adjustments”
My channel is focused on balancing the body by working on the NECK that is responsible for connecting the BRAIN to the entire body. I have over 500 videos demonstrating this life changing treatment.

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📲 (949) 548-7767

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