Mary Byrne of Fluoride Free NZ School Sean Plunket & Rob Beaglehole On Fluoride Court Case Win

2 days ago

Yesterday morning Sean Plunket spoke with Rob Beaglehole of the New Zealand Dental Association about the US Federal Court case win against the EPA re water fluoridation lowering children's IQs. Afterwards, Mary Byrne of Fluoride Free NZ phoned in to call Rob Beaglehole out on how incorrectly he presented both the court case and the National Toxicology Program's report on fluoride and neurotoxicity.

Sean just did what Sean always does....

Accept without any real challenge what the person who he agrees with says, and talk over and ridicule the person who doesn't.

One small consolation is that Sean at least said he'll try and set up a debate between Rob and Mary. Rob Beaglehole is the first 9 minutes, Mary is the rest.

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