Prophet Julie Green - Live with Julie - Unprecedented Chain of Events Are Coming Captions

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Unprecedented Chain of Events: A Prophetic Word for 2024 - In today's live show on August 5th, 2024, we are given a profound message of hope and encouragement amidst global turmoil. Emphasizing God's unwavering truth and promises, the video reminds us of the importance of trusting in God's word over worldly fears. It addresses the unprecedented political changes as God exposes lies and corruption, highlighting a prophetic word received on July 28th about imminent and significant changes in the political landscape. The video also discusses spiritual warfare, the role of faith, and the importance of prayer for national revival. A strong call to focus on God's promises and to hold fast in faith is woven throughout the message. Join us as we delve into these revelations and understand how to navigate these challenging times with a steadfast trust in God.

✝️ Another Awesome Message from Julie! ‼️God Wins‼️ The original video was posted on 08-05-2024 and may be watched here: 👉

00:00 Welcome and Encouragement
00:44 God's Promises and Faithfulness
01:18 Facing Unprecedented Times
02:59 Pressing Through Adversity
07:15 Prophetic Word: Unprecedented Chain of Events
11:14 Political Shakeup and Exposures
22:16 God's Assurance and Protection
36:46 Call to Action and Faith
40:34 The Shaking of Nations
41:19 Political Manipulations and Deceptions
43:57 Infighting and Civil War in the Establishment
45:15 The Role of Kamala Harris
46:49 God's Plan and Prophecies
54:00 The Need for Revival and Prayer
57:36 The Power of Faith and Trust in God
01:08:53 Prayers for Protection and Victory
01:13:02 Final Thoughts and Encouragement



COPYRIGHT 2024 Julie Green Ministries International


PROPHECY INDEX: www.prophecyindex.org



1. John 8:32 (Truth sets you free)
2. 2 Cor. 2:14 (Always causes you to triumph)
3. Isa. 54:17 (No weapon formed)
4. Ps. 18:48 (Rises you up above your enemy)
5. Jer. 1:12 (Faithful to perform His word)
6. Deut. 31: 8 (Never leave nor forsake you)
7. Rom. 8:31 (God for you, who can be against you)
8. 1 Tim 6:12 (Fight the good fight)
9. Eph. 6:10-18 (God’s armor)
10. Heb. 13:8 (God is the same yesterday, today, and forever)
11. Isa. 35:3-4
12. Heb. 10:30
13. Luke 18:7-8
14. Ps. 89:34
15. Heb.6:13-18
16. 1 John 5:14-15
17. Gal. 3:13-14 (redeem from the curse)
18. Deut. 28:13 (head not tail)
19. John 17:13-17
20. John 16:33
21. Rom. 10:17
22. James 4:7 (Resist the devil and he must flee)
23. 1 Sam. 17:47 (the battle is the Lord’s)
24. Luke 8:17, Mark 4:22 (Everything hidden will come into the light)
25. Ps. 29:11
26. Gal. 6:9-10 (Don’t grow weary)
27. Josh. 6:1-21 (Walls of Jericho)
28. Gal. 6:7-8 (What you sow your reap)

Get in line with God’s word. Trust more in Him than what you are seeing, feeling, and hearing.

God is Jehovah Nissi – Victory.

God is giving you peace, joy, truth, and revelation. The Lord will give you strength and peace.

God wants and wills to perform His Word, but He needs His people to speak His Word.

Breakout, break forth, and break through.

Have a firm, focused foundation on the Father. Hold on, God’s not done.

Put your faith and trust in the Lord.

God’s promise and His oath are unchangeable. He will not break His covenant. He is faithful. You can stand and trust God.

Don’t look to (wo)man. Don’t look to the natural. Look to God.

All you need is God.

MARCHING ORDER: Pray for revival in this nation and with the political leaders

MARCHING ORDER: Pray that President Trump and his family see they need God.



Good morning, everybody. Today is August 5th of 2024. And I just want to welcome each and every one of you to today's live show. And I just want to say that even though things are shaking all around the world and things will intensify, this is a time where God is giving to us all of these revelation, knowledge, these prophetic words.

And he's giving us hope and he's giving us encouragement While the world is world is trying to overwhelm us with despair and fear and doubt and worry and belief God is giving us peace. God is giving us joy. God is giving us revelation God is giving us his truth and that truth Sets us free. And so when the enemy is out and they are doing everything they can to stop a child of the most high God, we have to know that God is doing everything as he's promised in his word that he would do.

He's promised in his word that he always causes us to triumph. He promised us in his word that no weapon formed against us shall prosper. He's promised us in his word that he rises us up above our enemies. Yeah. And he's faithful to perform his word. So these are the days to take God at his word that is covenant that he will Not there are a lot of things that we are going to see Unprecedented, unusual, unconventional, and abnormal, things that you're just not used to seeing, things that you cannot explain, things that you may be wondering what in the world is going on.

And that's when we hold on to the word of God. We hold on to what he's saying, because what he is saying will always be true. Come to pass. And so while we can't trust everything we see, or everything we hear, we can always trust. In the word of God and he makes it clear God makes his word clear and he makes his word known That he will not alter his word.

He is faithful to perform his word and he will never leave you He will never forsake you. He will never let you down and he will never fail That are the promises of God all over in his word And so as we are seeing things we cannot explain As we are seeing things that will bring people fear as we are seeing things You That we don't understand that is where we have our focus on God.

We have our focus on his word because i'm telling you it's really easy to get distracted It's really easy to get overwhelmed. There are so many people right now that are going through so many things They don't think they can keep fighting and standing that good fight of faith And standing on God's word a lot of people are getting to the point where they are overburdened and worn out worn down But this is where we press in We press through That adversity we press through all the ways and all the things that the enemies are using To bring us back or to bring us down to go backwards instead of going forward with the word of almighty God the enemies don't want us to hold a line You As God wants us to then it means want us to surrender when God is telling us never to surrender We have an opportunity each and every one of you have an opportunity to make a change In this earth one voice can change the world and if we all do it together And if we all stay on the word of God together, and if we don't Ever back off.

We don't back down and we don't quit. Just think of what God can do in this earth when he has his church He has a body and we are in aligned With him in his word and we're trusting in him more than what we see We're trusting in him more than anything that we feel and any of our five physical senses are telling us We trust in God that's all God is asking you and I to do right now trust Even when it looks like that's the opposite thing and everything in your life is telling you you can't do it You can't hold on and you have to quit.

This is a time of the breakthrough This is a time where we have to go press in Press through break out break forth and break through everything The enemy is doing against you have that determination in your heart and in your mind That you will not ever back off and you will not ever quit Despite the adversity.

God knows it's hard. God warned us of times ahead. He warned us of those unprecedented events. He warned us about things that we will not understand. He warned us. But even though he's warned us, he's also giving him, giving us his hope. And that is true. We have our victory and despite what we see, despite what it looks like, even if things look like they take a 180 and go in the wrong direction, God is for us.

So who can be against us? So that's part of your encouraging word this morning. Don't look to the right or to the left. Keep your focus on God. Don't let these things in the world distract you. Things in this world will distract even more now than ever before. Amen. And that's why that firm focus foundation on the Father is so important in this very day and this very hour.

So hold on, because God is not done. He's not done saving this nation. He's not done saving the nations around the world. And He's not done showing the world that He is. The Great I Am. He's El Elyon. Remember, he's the Most High God. We're either gonna believe that he is the Most High God, and there's no one greater than him, or we're gonna believe the lies of the giants in the land, and how they can just do whatever they wanna do, and when they wanna do it, to destroy our country, destroy our freedoms, or destroy the world.

So let's take God for his word today, and let's hold fast to his promises. That he is faithful and he will perform them. Okay. Now I want to get to this prophetic word. I got this actually on the 28th of July. I got to get it out here. Got a lot of screens open. So hold on a second. Okay. This one is from the 28th of July and it is called Unprecedented Chain of Events are Coming.

Unprecedented Chain of Events are Coming. So things are going to abruptly change. Things are not going to stay the same. And as we've seen, things are to intensify since the beginning of this year. God said, this is 2024 and he says, that's a year for more. And so we're seeing more unprecedented, unconventional things than ever before.

We're seeing more prophecy coming to pass. We're seeing more things being exposed. We're seeing things that we never thought we would. God said it, and that's exactly what's happening right now. So more unprecedented things are going to occur. So, this is the first paragraph. My children, in the Land of My Eagle, your enemies truly think they can pull the wool over your eyes

to replace their candidate and everything will just go smoothly. They truly believe that the people in your nation will believe the abrupt changing of a narrative. They truly believe they can wipe out evidence of truth while they lie through their teeth.

They truly believe by pouring money into a new person, it will magically change the direction of the campaign, so they can yet once again steal another election; so they can continue to keep this nation under their control. They have distractions planned for you while they continue their plots of corruption in this nation.

But I Am moving my hand against them and they will not succeed in any of their plans.

They will continue to try to get rid of the Biden while some are trying to prop up Kamala and neither will work. Revenge is coming out of their camp. There's a growing civil war behind the scenes who really controls not only the Democratic Party, but the establishment. As they are fighting over who the real candidate should be,

leaks of evidence so damning will be exposed because each side has plenty on each other. I told you this was the time of an eruption of truth and proof.

Things that have been buried for a long time will start to pour out of everywhere. They don't want Biden, they don't want Kamala, and their narrative isn't going the way they want it because the people of this nation are not accepting her either.

No amount of their money manipulation and lying will prop up any of their puppets. It's all backfiring on them in front of their face. Don't forget the warnings that I have given you about not putting your guard down. Your enemies still have infiltrators on the side of the red; ones buried so deep that no one will expect the ones that are about to be exposed as traitors to their country and to their party.

A political shakeup is about to shake in a way never seen in this country. More unprecedented events are coming, where your enemies of this nation realize their establishment is crumbling and they all have fought and killed and lied for this falling apart. They will *not have my nation!*

My children continue to pray for revival in this nation with your political leaders. There's a spiritual war going on to deceive your leaders to follow false prophets or to follow false and manmade doctrines to keep the focus on politics to get the focus on everything else other than me. Don't put your focus on just on my David and his family.

Yes, I'm using them to help bring freedom back to this nation, but my children remember I Am the one saving this nation. Pray that not only my David and his family see and know that they need me to see them through the rest of the way, but so does this nation. I'm reviving the United States - you don't need an election to save you;

that is my job. This country needs a spiritual awakening, not a man made election to bring freedom back. You need more than politics and politicians. Can't you see you need me, says the Lord. This is why you will see things happen in this nation you never thought could happen. Some things must be allowed for this wake up call to wake up the masses to me and against this tyranny.

I want to remind you this unprecedented chain of events is not destroying your nation, but the exact opposite: to heal your nation, to restore your nation, and to unite this nation. Your enemies are about to do another obvious overreach and blatant attack on this country. They left you wide open so they could continue to destroy you and punish you for not believing in choosing their side.

So they will allow great attacks from other countries. But some are from your own government's design.

Oh yes, your fraudulent government and the establishment are about to turn on this nation in a way more people will see they only care about winning elections and keeping their money and power. A mass exodus from the left to the right is about to occur.

Many who have been poisoned mentally will be set free. Many people who are blind to the truth will be fully awakened. A great shaking in this nation will intensify to a level not known before. But this is for the destruction of the giants and their empire and not for your nation's destruction. Remember me, I Am the great I Am that will set you free.

Don't lose focus on me because I Am your victory, saith the Lord, your Redeemer. And then I also heard: Oswald, I will say this name again, because truth and that plan will be exposed in its connection on what they did to my David. It was in the same playbook, you would say. Exposures and the destruction of this establishment is here, and it will be clear. Walter, this name will be in your news for a shocking reason. The feud between Obama and Biden is not done and that will soon be very clear. The gloves are off, you would say.

Distraction point. This phrase will be in your news for a significant reason, proving what your mainstream media has done to cover up and hide the establishment and their criminal activities. Hidden agendas soon will be hidden no more. Hold on and brace for the sudden impact of truth in this nation to bring down the elites and their establishment that has held you captive for longer than you realized.

This is not their nation; it's mine and I will show the world that this is true. So, I want to say over and over because the lord has been really going up saying this More than once he's talked about Oswald. He's talked about JFK. He's talked about that assassination and how it relates to to our rightful President Donald Trump and what we saw on July 13th.

What we're seeing here right now, what they've done, look at all what they've done to him. They've used impeachments. They try to use all his indictments, they try to destroy his, him financially, they try to destroy his family, they try to destroy his fortune, they try to destroy him every way they possibly can.

And look, it is all surrounding. The news media, Hollywood, the government, they're all in it together and they all have the same type of verbiage and same type of things they're saying on a continual basis. It is a front. It is a something that they are trying to do to design to not just take out President Trump.

This is not just about him. This is about taking out our nation and taking away and destroying what freedoms that we in this nation have left. We don't have many left. We've been under the illusion for a long time that we are one nation under God, which we're supposed to be. But we haven't been for a long time.

Because they have tried to take away that one nation under God. We thought we had the land of the free. Because that's what our military men and women paid for. And that's what this country was founded and established upon was what Jesus did was he paid for our freedoms and it was our freedom in this nation to speak the word of God, to speak and read the word of God and speak it and, and live the way the word want us to live.

And then you had people come in here and try to destroy that. Since the foundation of this nation and so you see they're trying to destroy everything that we have left But now it's time to start buckling up now. It's time to start standing up now It's time to start Fighting back and fighting with that good fight of faith that God talks us about that We are fighting in this very day in this very hour That's why we have an armor and that's why it's so important to put that armor on every single day We need to put the armor of God on because we are fighting the good fight of faith.

We are fighting whether we trust God or we don't. We are fighting whether we believe in his word and we believe that a covenant that he will not break, that we believe that he rises above us or our enemies who rise up against us. We either believe these things or we don't. We either going to have faith or we're going to have fear.

We're gonna stand for the what we have left in this country and stand because this is that last stand Before a country was literally gonna go over a cliff. This is our American Revolutionary War This is our freedom from an establishment similar to the Great Britain that was trying to overwhelm and trying to destroy this country This is our time you think of George Washington and you think of all who fought with him There was only like 3 percent of people that fought You That's it.

They had the deck stacked against them. They didn't have enough ammo. They didn't have enough supplies. They didn't have enough military, all they needed was God. And just like in the story of Gideon, he didn't need 22, 000 men, all he needed was 300. Because all they needed was God. It wasn't the amount of people they had, it was their faith and trust in God that God was faithful to do it.

So many people have been looking to President Trump and to the army and the military to do certain things. And God is saying, look, you can't look to just natural things to save your nation. You can't just look to a normal military. You have to look to the army of the Lord, which is you and I. We also have God of the angel armies, so he has a host of angels.

That are also at war and fighting for us. But our faith and trust should be in God and God alone. God uses people. Yes, he will. We pray for our men and women in our military. We pray for president Trump and everyone with him. We have to realize that it's not just these men and women and it's not just president Trump.

It has to be God. That is where our faith has to be. We have to put our faith in Him and trust in Him and realize that He is not going to let them win, but we have a choice to make. We have a choice to believe him or we don't. We have a choice to believe that everything is, you know, president Trump, and he's going to do it all.

We can't, he can't do it all. He's a human being. Just like that day when he saved our country, it was God. And God showed us, he is the same God who delivers a nation in a day. He is a same God who spares people's lives and he delivers them from a kill shot. We saw it. And so we have to know that God is not going to save us just from that one.

God will save us from anything that they use against us. And that's why you look in Isaiah 54, I always quote it, but I'm going to read it today. Isaiah 54, 17, this is out of the Amplified. And it says,

You shall show to be in the wrong this peace and righteousness and security and triumph over opposition. We triumph and Right here says we have security and triumph over opposition So God says also in his word in 2nd he always Causes us to triumph. So God says no weapon formed against us shall prosper So every weapon the enemy chooses they lose whatever they choose they lose You And that's what we have to put in our forefront of our minds.

They're going to choose a lot of weapons. They're going to do many unprecedented things because things are not going the way they want them to go. So now they're going to pull out all the stops. They're going to try to do everything they possibly can against us. But God, no weapon formed against us shall prosper.

I also want to read something else to you. Go to Isaiah 34 and verse three. Isaiah, oh, sorry, Isaiah 35, Isaiah 35 and verse three, strengthen the weak hands and make firm the feeble and tottered knees. Verse four, say to those who are fearful and hasty heart, be strong and fear not. Behold, your God will come with vengeance, with recompense.

God, he will come and save you. Now, remember God is faithful to perform his word. It says right here that he will come with vengeance. And he will come and save us vengeance. He will come with vengeance. As you can see hold on to your place in Isaiah 35 really quick and go to Hebrews 10.

You guys probably already know where I'm going. Hebrews 10 verse 30. We know him who said vengeance is mine, retribution and the meting out of full justice rests with me. I will repay. I will exact the compensation said the Lord. And again, the Lord will judge and determine and solve and settle the cause and the cases of his people.

Amen. Amen. He says vengeance is his. He will come. Remember he even said that in Exodus. He says, I will come down. And he did. There was judgment. There was ten plagues. God saved Israel from the Egyptians hands. He came with vengeance. He came with judgment and that's what saved them. And that's what will save us again.

Go back to Isaiah 35.

Again, I'm going to read verse four say to those who are fearful and because people are right now They are afraid say to those who are fearful and hasty heart be strong fear not behold Your God will come with vengeance with a recompense of God. He will come and save you God Will come and save us Luke 18

and verse 7 and will not our just God defend and protect and avenge his elect his chosen ones who cry to him Day and night will he defer them and delay help on their behalf Verse 8, I will tell you he will defend, protect, and avenge them speedily. However, When the son of man comes, will he find persistence and faith on the earth?

So he will not delay our help. He will defend and he will Protect those are things that God will do now when I read to you something So God will defend God will protect God will avenge

Psalm 89

verse 34 my covenant will I not break? Or pro profane, nor all of the thing that has gone out on my lips. God said right here, my covenant, I will not break. So he will defend, he will protect, he will avenge in his covenant. He will not break. He has a promise to you that he will defend you. He has a promise to you.

He will protect you. He has a promise to you. He will avenge you. And he will not break that promise. Go to Jeremiah, Jeremiah 1, 12, Jeremiah 1,

12. Then it was said to the Lord to me, You have seen well, for I Am alert and active, watching over my word to perform it. God is watching over his word to perform it, so what do we need to do? We need to be speaking God's word. The more we speak God's word, the more he will What? Defend, protect, avenge. He will, right here, I Am active and alert, watching over my word to perform it.

God wants and wills to perform his word. He just needs his people to speak his word, and he needs his people to in agreement with his word.

Go to

Hebrews 6. Hebrews 6 and

start with verse, people just need to know how God, his promises, and his promises is true. Hebrews 6 and verse 13.

For when God made his promise, To Abram, to Abraham, he swore to himself since he had no one greater by whom to swear, verse 14. Saying, blessing, blessing, I certainly will bless you and multiply, I will multiply you, verse 15. And so it was he, Abraham, having waited long and endured patiently and realized and obtained in the birth of Isaac as a pledge of what was to come, what God had promised him.

Now remember, he was 99 years old. When God came to Abram, changed his name to Abraham, and said, I Am El Shaddai. I'm the God who nothing is impossible. So even though at 99 or 100 years old, when Isaac came, it looked like it was never going to happen. It looked like it was virtually impossible. But God, God was faithful to perform his word.

He said, Abram, And he called him Abraham because he was going to be the father of many nations, even though he didn't have a kid at the time. And then he was Abraham, trust of God, despite what the natural was saying, and despite what his feelings were saying, despite what it looked like, he believed and trusted God, and that's when he realized.

He saw the promises of isaac because he did not lose faith or trust in god Look what's said in verse 16 and men indeed swear by greater than themselves and with them in all disputes the oath Taken for confirmation finding final ending strife verse 17 accordingly god also in his desire now god desires to show More convincingly and beyond doubt to those who were in inherit the promise The unchangeableness of his purpose and plan to intervene mediated with an oath.

So God has two unchangeable things in the first one is his oath.

Verse 18. This is was so that by two unchangeable things. His promise and his oath in which is sorry, which is impossible for god ever to prove false or deceive us We have fled to him for refuge might have mightily indwelling strength strong Encouragement to grasp and hold the hold the fast the hope and pointed for us in the set before us So the first thing was his promise, the promise he gave to Abraham, and the second one was his oath.

Excuse me, I said oath first, it was his promise first and his oath. So God is faithful and he has two unchangeable things, his promise and his oath. So we realize that we know that God has promised and he has an oath. And he said he can't swear by any greater than himself, and he has this covenant that he will not break with us, and he's faithful to watch over his word, he's faithful to perform it, then we know whatever we ask for in his word, that we know that we know, That he will do it.

You can find that in 1st John.

1st John 5

14. 1st John 5 14 says in this covenant, sorry, and this is the confidence, the assurance, the privilege of boldness, which we have in him. We are sure that if we ask anything, make any request according to his will in agreement with us in his own plan, he listens and he hears us. So we are giving back his word.

So we're saying, Father God, you see what's going on in my life. You see what the enemy is doing. You see what the enemy is doing in my nation. You see what the enemy is doing, and then you can name certain things in your family or whatever. It's going on. You name the things. You can say, but your word says, and I know that I had that confidence that you are active right now and alert and you're faithful to perform your work where it looks like I could lose everything, or it looks like I'm losing my children, or it looks like, you know, I'm losing this or that, the other thing.

And then you say, but your word says. You always caused me to triumph, that I am redeemed from the curse, Galatians 3, 13 and 14. I am the head, not the tail. You talk about that in Deuteronomy 28. You said you always caused me to triumph in 14. So, Father God, I thank you. It looks like I'm going to lose, but I thank you.

In your word, it says I am going to triumph. So, I proclaim and decree my victory. And when you are giving God his word back, and you know he's faithful and active and alert to perform his word, then you can have that assurance, that confidence, that 1 John 5, talks about.

Verse 15, and if since we positively know that he listens to us, Whatever we ask, we also know with settled and absolute knowledge that we have granted us our present possessions and the requests made of Him. How can we be that confident? How can we be that sure? It's because the scriptures I just read to you.

Covenant that He will not break. He's acting in an alert to perform His word. We know He has two unchangeable things, His promise and His oath. We also know that He will defend, protect, and avenge. We have that confidence that he does hear us. And so when he does hear us, we know that he will right here. We have confidence and assurance.

This is 1st John 5 14 again, the privilege of boldness, which we have in him Which we are sure if we ask anything make any requests according to his will not our will his will In agreement with his own plan. He listens and he hears us God listens and he hears us I just seen in the chat. Somebody said about the Dow going down.

So Again, what has God talked about? The economy, no matter what the world markets are going to do. And no matter what they're showing, I don't know what they're showing today. Exactly. But no matter what they're showing, God's faithful and it's true that he says in his word in John 17, 13 through 17, We are in this world, but we are not of it.

Someone said the markets are crashing. Okay, well, God's warned us about that. Will they try to rebound this? Oh, they don't. No matter what takes place. Remember, God said unprecedented and unconventional things. We're seeing unprecedented and unconventional, but no matter what it is, we are in this world. We are not of it.

John 16 33 Again, we have to say Julie you read this all the time Yep, because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word Romans 10 17.

So John 16 33. I've told you things So in me you may have perfect peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation, trials, distress, and frustration. But be of good cheer, take courage, be confident, and certain and undaunted. For I have overcome the world, I deprive it of its power to harm you, and I have conquered it for you.

So no matter what goes on in the world markets, No matter what's going on right now all around the world. We're in this world We're not of this world and we have to remind ourselves that jesus conquered this world for us The battle is the lord's so what we have to do is that battlefield in the mind and we have to trust in god That's that have that firm focused foundation on the father and having fighting that good fight of faith We're going to hold on to it We're not gonna let go of it.

We're not gonna surrender because God is alert and he's active and he's gonna perform his word Look what James 4 7 says

be subject to God resist the devil stand firmly against him and he will flee from you Why does God keep talking to us about these things that we're supposed to be calling all these things down? We're supposed to be calling the exposure. We're supposed to be calling the establishment down We're supposed to be calling all all of the foundations of the crumble like shouting like the walls of jericho Why is god saying that because we're doing our job in resisting the devil and resisting his plan And resisting the foundation and what they have built up Against us and god saying look I said no weapon formed against you shall prosper isaiah 54 17 And no matter what weapon they use because people ask well What if this?

What if that? What if this? Doesn't matter what it is. What if they try the stock market? Well, apparently they're doing something with the stock market right now. What if they try Arfusa shortages and what if they try this and what they try that no matter what they choose they lose Have that in your heart no matter what you're about to see no matter what the enemies choose they lose now i'm gonna go back over this prophetic word because Something he said that really stuck out to me

And I'm gonna go back over this part of it too, but he says they left you wide open.

Wide open for what? They left this country wide open for attack.

And I know right now Iran is threatening Israel again Our job is to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and we had to do that and we'll pray for those We're gonna pray for those who are in the path of the hurricane. I don't know where the hurricanes exactly at right now I know it We're supposed to hit the panhandle of Florida.

I know there's a lot of people from Florida watching. We also know we have open borders right now. There are terrorist cells everywhere. We have what they're doing with the economy. You have what they're doing with the elections. God's warned us about all these things. And so what we have to do is choose to believe God.

And if they left us wide open for an attack, and there was other prophecies that I heard, I heard two very strong ones yesterday. About certain nations that will and want to attack and have their people situated right now to do it at any moment. This is not to bring fear. This is not to bring fear at all.

This is for you to put on your armor, go to Ephesians 6, start with verse 10, know that it's God who gives you the power. Put on your armor that you are able to stand and stand there for. And stand and fight that good fight of faith.

And so as we are seeing things start to change and start to shake, cause God says things are going to violently shake. It doesn't sound like it's gonna be very comfortable. I'm sure it wasn't very comfortable for the Israelites either when they're watching all these plagues hit Egypt over and over and over again.

It didn't hit them, but I'm sure it was still, they were probably wondering what in the world is going on. Those things that, they were unprecedented things that happened in the book of Exodus. So, and we're right now in a similar situation. So here's the first paragraph, and it says, My children, the land of my eagle, your enemies truly think they can pull the wool over your eyes to replace their candidate, and everything will just go so smoothly.

What did he say to us last week? What he's been saying for the last three years, since December of 2021, he's been telling us, they don't want Biden, they don't want Kamala. They're gonna place a Biden, and God even said, they don't want Kamala either. And so it may look like they're propping her up, it may look like the polls are, you know, in favor for her, which is funny because she always polled worse than Joe.

Always. Or THE Biden. And so if you think about this for a minute, all of a sudden the narrative changes. Everybody's just on board, all of a sudden, out of nowhere. We're just like to try to hide the cognitive functionality of Biden. They're trying to hide the hatred that people have for Kamala. And she also has many gaffes, or people call them word salads.

With her. She also, God said, remember, what he's been saying about the tongue. Their tongues are gonna be their what? Worst enemy. So now how he always was saying, that Biden was always saying things, he was always speaking the truth when he didn't mean to, and he was always giving himself away more and more, you're gonna start seeing that more with Kamala.

When you are under some type of judgment, Which enemies of Almighty God are, because obviously they're against God, then you're going to start seeing more and more things happen. So just because they're using something who's younger, and they're using something who looks like she's got more cognitive functionality, doesn't mean God's not done.

Because God isn't done and what he said in here is that no matter what they replace it them with It's not gonna work and there was something somebody shared with me last night I think was on our group that I think but there was a picture The Democratic National Convention was just coming up here and I don't know how many days a couple weeks And it's funny because they have Kamala, they have her picture, but they have Michelle signs everywhere behind her.

What are they trying to say? Just saying. I don't know. But it's definitely not, and God's been talking about a civil war in the establishment, so. Now look what it says in the next paragraph. They truly believe that the people in your nation will believe the abrupt changing of a narrative. One minute she's weak, And no one really likes her, that's why you didn't really see her for very long.

And remember they said she was a border czar, now all of a sudden she's saying that she never was a border czar. And before they were so excited because she was the first Indian American to be in a political position, especially the position of a senator. And then a president, she was Indian. But now all of a sudden, she's African American.

They changed not only her, the narrative about where she, you know, all this stuff. They're changing her, like, her ethnic background. It's the most insane thing in the world. Why would you need to change that? Why would you not be proud of who you are? Why would you need to change that? She was so proud that she was an Indian.

And all of a sudden now, she's not, and she's hiding that. Why? Lies. Narrative. And so, it's gonna catch up with them. She was the Borders are. They said she wasn't, and she never was. That was a lie, that was a false narrative. No, there's proof of that. All their lies, And I had just seen that Kamala, whatever, over the weekend, she was blaming President Trump for the jobs report.

Three and a half years later, you're going to blame him for the jobs report. They're playing game. Things like this are not going to work. Their narrative shifts are not going to continue to work like they used to. People are awakened and they're smarter. We're more aware and we're more alert of what they do and how they use the mainstream media.

to push their agenda. Then he says, they truly believe, people in your nation will believe the abrupt changing of a narrative. What? That she was never the Borders are, that she's African American, that she was, you know, hated, and now all of a sudden she's loved, and embraced by the media and her party. It's all a lie.

And again, she polled worse than Biden. Now, all of a sudden, she's polling better than Trump in some of the things. It's the most ridiculous, outlandish form of manipulation and lying about God. He said they truly believe they can wipe out evidence of the truth while they lie through their teeth. Remember what he said back, I think it was December of 2021.

Or the beginning of January or February, 2022. God said that they were going to backstab her and they weren't going to choose her either. And she was going to be exposed. And so if she's not doing good enough and they realize that they can't win with her, which they can't, if they had a coup against Biden, they'll have a coup against her too.

They'll stop at nothing. And people say, what is not going to happen? You know, people say for the longest time when I heard prophecies regarding them removing Biden, oh, that's never going to happen. It did for the world to see it happen. They threatened him out and they use the 25th amendment They probably also used other blackmail and we'll find that out too third paragraph They truly believe by pouring money into a new person It will magically change the direction of the campaign so they can yet again Still another election.

So they can continue to keep this nation under their control. Remember, they're going to stop at nothing, God has warned us about. They have distracted, distractions planned for you, while they continue their plots of corruption in this nation. But I'm removing my, I Am moving my hand against them, and they will not succeed in any other plan.

So he says distractions. Now he's talking about distractions again. They're gonna have you look one way when they're doing something over here. It's like an illusion, like a magic trick. Look over here while we're doing this over here and you don't see it. They do that. They do that a lot,

and then they're not done getting rid of the Biden. They're not gonna keep him until November. They say they will, but they won't. They'll continue to try and get rid of the Biden while some are trying to prop up Kamala. So you have right now an infighting. You have Obama's camp and you have Biden's Camp.

And then you probably have other camps. He said, but neither one, neither one will work. So they're trying to get rid of the Biden and then they're trying to get Kamala. Again, they are going to get rid of the Biden, but it's not going to go the way they want it to. And so they're trying to control when he is removed, but God is saying it's what God is going to do.

To remove him, not them. And he said, they're trying to prop up Kamala. Well, they are, it's not going to work. Revenge is coming out of their camp. Again, you have infighting right now. There is growing a civil war behind the scenes who really controls not only the democratic party, but the establishment. So behind the scenes, you have a civil war going on.

Now they try to cause a civil war for us and our country for a long time. And then they also had a coup against our rightful president. Why do you think? Okay. There was a coup against the Biden. Why do you think they are now growing in a civil war behind the scenes? And some of us, you can see up front, God said, days of payment, there's a growing civil war behind the scenes who really controls not only the democratic party, but the establishment.

So again, it's not just the democratic party's establishment as they are fighting over who the real candidate should be. So they're still fighting over that. They're just only using Kamala for now.

Leaks of evidence so damning will be exposed because each side has plenty on each other. Which side? Obama and Biden.

I told you this was a time of an eruption of truth and proof. So you have these two camps and they're fighting against each other. Because you have people who still wanted Biden somehow, for some reason. And you have people who wanted Obama's choice. Remember, Kamala wasn't Obama's choice either. He refused to, for the longest time endorse her.

Then they came out of nowhere and endorsed her really quick. And they did some stupid video and it was ridiculous. So again, things are not going the way they want it to go.

All right. Now, then it says things have been buried. He uses that word again. Things have been buried for a long time will start to pour out of everywhere. They don't want Biden and they don't want Kamala and their narrative isn't going the way they wanted because the people of this nation are not accepting her either.

So it's not going the way they wanted to go. They thought, okay, they're just gonna prop it up and everything's going to be fine. Well, they're propping up, isn't working. So then he says, no amount of no amount of their money, manipulation in line will prop up any of their puppets. So it doesn't matter if they use Kamala, they try, it's not going to work.

They use Biden. They've using Kamala, no matter if they choose to get rid of them both, which that's what God said, no matter what puppet they use, it's not going to work. He says, it's all backfiring on them in front of their face. Don't forget the warnings of I've given you, but not putting your guard down.

Your enemies still have infiltrators on the side of the red one. Now listen, this is very, very careful. This is all the talk about the Republican party. You have infiltrators on the side of the red ones buried so deep that no one will accept the ones that are about to be exposed as traitors to their party, but traitors to this nation.

And so you have people on the side of the red that are Buried so deep that they look like they're good, and they're really not.

A great political shakeup is about to make an make a way. Never seen in this, sorry. A great political shake up is about to shake in a way never seen in this country. More unprecedented events are coming where your enemies of this nation realize their establishment is crumbling and all that they have fought and killed and lied for is falling apart.

They will not have my nation. So he's talking about a great political shake up. He's talked about more unprecedented events. And then he's talked about, of course, their establishment falling apart.

My children, continue to pray for revival. This is your marching order. Continue to pray for revival in this nation with your political leaders. So we're supposed to be praying for a revival in this nation in the body of Christ. We're also supposed to be praying for revival in our political leaders.

There's a spiritual war going on to deceive your leaders to follow false prophets, or to follow false and man made doctrines, to keep the focus on politics, to keep the focus on everything else other than me. So he's giving us insight that we need to pray for our political leaders. Be part of this revival and a part of awakening that's not just an election and we can put down our guard and then everything's gonna be hunky dory in our, in our nation.

It's not. We need God for political reset, not just an election. And he's been telling us that for a while. Then he warns us, Don't put your focus just on my David and his family. Yes, I Am using them to help bring freedom back to this nation. But my children, remember, I Am the one saving this nation. God is the one who is saving this nation.

Yes, he is using President Trump and his family to help bring freedom back to this nation, but God is the one who is actually saving it. And that's where we need to put our faith and trust in.

Pray not only my David and his family see and know that they need me to see them through the rest of the way, but so does this nation. We need to pray that President Trump and his family see that they need God, not just an election. Yes, we pray for the election, but we need God to deliver our country.

Because an election isn't gonna do it. He won in 26. Well, he won in 2020 also, but he was in the office You know in 2016 And he won that election, but it didn't save our country because a man cannot do it alone. You need God. It's a spiritual war he's talking about.

I'm reviving the United States. You don't need an election to save you. That is my job. This country needs a spiritual awakening, not a manmade election to bring freedom back. You need more than politics and politics. and politicians.

People put so much emphasis. Yes, it'd be awesome to have an election. It'd be awesome to see President Trump win. Yes. Should we pray for that still? Yes, but we should not have our faith in it. We have our faith in God. We pray over our elections. We pray over all the officials. We pray over our, the politicians.

We pray over our government. But this is where I stop. I'm going to say this again, you need more than politics and politicians. If you don't want to look into an election, people are putting their faith and trust in just the politics and politicians. We need God to destroy the politics as usual and what has been propping up some politicians.

Can't you see you need me? Says the Lord. Can't you see you need me? That's what God is saying to each and every one of us. We need him. He allowed 2020 to happen for us to see that we need God. Too many people are putting their faith and trust in just President Trump. You can't do that. We need to pray for him?

Yes. But it's God we have our faith and trust in. This is why you will see things happen in this nation you never thought could happen.

Some things must be allowed for this wake up call. Now he's allowing other things to happen. Just because he's allowing things to happen doesn't mean it's for our destruction. He allowed 2020 to be stolen. It was not for our destruction. Look what it's done to so many people. It's woken up a lot of people and people are now fighting and wanting freedom like never before.

They're praying like never before. They're pressing into God like never before. Not some good things have, you know, some bad things have happened too, of course, but that's not gonna outweigh the good.

Some things will be allowed to happen for this wake up call to wake up the masses to me and against this tyranny. To wake up the masses against me and against this tyranny. God's telling us that. It's waking people up to God in a way from believing and trusting in what this tyranny can do against you.

I want to remind you, this unprecedented chain of events is not to destroy your nation, but the exact opposite, to heal your nation, to restore your nation, and to unite. You know, he's saying three things. These unprecedented chain of events that are going to start taking place even more are not to destroy us.

This unprecedented chain of events that are going to start taking place even more are not to destroy us. They're to heal, to restore, and to unite. Those three things. Your enemies are about to do another obvious overreach. Now, we saw the, one of the overreaches, and that was the coup against the Biden. It took away the will of the Democratic Party.

I mean, they voted for Biden. He won the primary vote, and the Democratic Party had a right to vote for him. They did. That's their right. They chose him. Well, they got it taken away from them. And they have somebody else forced upon them. That's not right. It's like what they were trying to do with President Trump.

They were trying to get rid of him and put someone else in it. They were trying to take our voice away and the will of the people. They did it on their side. They couldn't do it on ours. Again, you can see what God is doing. Your enemies are about to do another obvious overreach and blatant attacks on this country.

They left you wide open. So they could continue to destroy you and punish you for not believing in choosing their side. They will allow great attacks from other countries. But some are from your own government's design. So, that's just wide open. Part of that is our border. But part of that is also our intelligence.

A lot of, look what they did with the Chinese spy balloons. They got intelligence, they got everything they wanted. There was just more than one balloon, there were several. I think it was like some, last time I heard it was like 15. So again,

There's a lot of things going on with other countries, and our government, fraudulent one, will allow things to happen.

Oh, yes, your fraudulent government and the establishment are about to turn on this nation. In a way, more people will see they only care about winning elections and keeping their money in power. A mass exodus from the left to the right. It's about to occur. Many who have been poisoned. Now, listen, many who have been poisoned mentally will be set free.

Many people who are blind to the truth will fully be awakened. A great shaking in this nation will intensify to a level not known before, but this is for the destruction of the giants and their empire and not for your nation's destruction. So people. Will think because it looks like our country's being destroyed and it looks like the enemies are getting exactly what they wanted God is saying look even though things are intensifying and it looks like it's going one way.

It's actually for our freedom It's actually going the other way. It's good What we are going to see doesn't look bad, but it's actually for our own good because it's destroying the giants in our land. He says, remember me. I Am the great I Am that will set you free. Don't lose focus on me because I'm your victory, says the Lord your Redeemer.

He is Jehovah Nissi. He is our victory. That's his name. God's name is victory. And so if you need faith and trust in the God of victory, Just go you can go read the book of Exodus go see what he just did go see what he did in the book Of Exodus and see what he did for his people now. I also heard Oswald.

Was that the first time he's mentioned Oswald I think he mentioned that Lee Harvey Oswald. I think it was like in 2022 or 2023 I know there was a prophecy on Lee Harvey Oswald and now all of a sudden he's mentioning him quite a bit Not just in prophecies it just in Revelation also, but he says Oswald I will say this name again because truth and that plan will be exposed in its connection on What they did to my David it was in the same playbook you would say Exposures of the destruction of this establishment is here and it will be clear.

So what they did was Lee Harvey Oswald He was the fall guy to who really killed JFK It was obvious just like this 20 year old was the fall guy as well. And so God is telling us the connection will be exposed and it will be, it was in the same playbook. I think that's definitely a key work. See, I didn't put that in bold also.

So we're gonna start seeing more of the exposure on, I mean, a lot of us already have on the attempted assassination of president Trump, and we're already starting to see that it was definitely an inside job, the secret service is lying through their teeth. They're trying to hide what was going on. The FBI is hiding what was going on.

You have to always cover, the agency's covering up this stuff because they don't want the truth to come out, but it will. Because watch, you'll see more muscle blowers because God's been talking about that. Walter, this name will be in your news for a shocking reason. Now, he had me put this all in bold.

The feud between Obama and Biden is not done. And that will soon be very clear. The gloves are off, you would say. The feud between Biden and Obama, it's not done.

The distraction point. Distraction point. This phrase will be in your news for a significant reason. Proving what your mainstream media has done to cover up and hide the establishment and their criminal activities. Distraction point. I'm going to look that up.

Distraction. I'm going to look up distraction point, see if I can find that.

Hmm. The act of an instance of distracting or the state of being distracted. Something that serves as a diversion or entertainment, an interruption, an obstacle. Hmm,

the phrase the point of distraction is correct and can be used so the emphasis on a particular subject or topic is being discussed so intently In such detail that it could be concerned, considered to be a distraction. He said distraction point, and I'm not really finding,

you guys might know what a distraction point is, but that's what he was saying. All right. I'm going to keep reading. Hidden agendas soon will be hidden no more. Hold on and brace for the sudden impact of truth in this nation to bring down the elites and their establishment that has held you captive for longer than you realize this is not their nation.

It's mine. And I will show the world that this is mine. Is true. So of course god will show the world that he is the one in control of this nation And it's not our enemies I want to read one more scripture really quick before I go to pray

because people need to know this the scripture as well psalm 29 psalm 29 and verse 11 the lord will give unyielding an impenetrable strength to his people, the Lord will bless his people with peace. The Lord will give you strength, impenetrable strength. And you will bless his people with peace. So God will give us peace and God will give us strength.

And that's exactly what God's people need right now. When they're fighting this good fight of faith and they're starting to grow weary. God even says his word don't grow weary in doing good. God is faithful to perform his word and he promises that so we're gonna pray over For strength for people, but we're gonna pray for the people in the path of that hurricane and then obviously we'll pray for whatever's going with the economy and whatever's going with the elections and whatever is going on that God is bringing it down because he's faithful to perform his word and he's faithful to give us that victory that he says and he's promised that's guaranteed ours because he is our victory.

So heavenly father right now in Jesus name, most of every person on the path of that hurricane right now that was hitting Florida, father God, and wherever other states it's going to hit. I thank you, Father God, for protecting people in the path of that storm and Satan, we bind you in the strong man, every principality, every power, and every rule of the darkness of this world is trying to design, specifically design that storm in such a way, Father God, we thank you that you said in your word, Isaiah 54, 17, no weapon will be Formed against them shall prosper.

So heavenly father I thank you and I praise you and I plead the blood of jesus over your people in the path of that storm father God that they will be protected From any type of harm and damage father god And no matter what the enemy was trying to do with it. It will not go as planned and father god We see that there's eruptions over with mount etna.

You talked about that heavenly father We see that what's going on with the economy You said in Isaiah 54 17, no weapon formed against us shall prosper. So you also said, Father God, any weapon they choose, they lose. So no matter what they do to us, Father God, we thank you that you are protecting us. We thank you that you are giving us strength.

We thank you, Father God, you're giving us peace. We thank you, Father God, that we are realizing your two unchangeable promises. It was your promise and your oath, two unchangeable things. I thank you father god that their faith and trust in you is growing That they will not be distracted that they will not be deceived and they will not be destroyed I thank you father god your people have a focus on you and we call down every form of election interference We call down any form of manipulation and lying From either the news media or fraudulent government or anything that's going on all around the world father god that you And your truth destroys all their manipulation and lies We call down their lies and we thank you father god.

You said that their enemy was gonna be their tongue And when they meant to tell a lie, they're going to tell the truth. And so we thank you father God, no matter what puppet they use, no matter what they try to do, they lose. And we proclaim and decree father God that they will lose. And now, no, no matter the distraction, no matter how they left our country open, father, God, you have your angels.

We have the protection of the blood of Jesus and the authority of that name And so no matter what they try to do for our destruction against this nation and attack against this nation father god We are protected and their plans will not go as planned and we call them down at the walls of jericho Every form of attack father god, it will not go the way the enemies designed it We thank you that you are cutting off their lines of communication and so they will not have what they so desire and they Confusion is growing in their camp and we thank you father God for our protection in this country We plead the blood of Jesus all around this nation and heavenly father We thank you, but these are the days of payment and everything they meant for our harm will actually be done unto them They're reaping a great harvest of destruction For what kind of destruction they have tried to bring into this country and all around the world and against your body of Christ So father god, we thank you that we have your divine protection.

We have your divine plan. We thank you. We have redemption We thank you father god We had the victory and we thank you the battle is the lord's and it's already been won And we thank you for it in jesus name. Amen and Amen, remember god's got it god wins That's it. But God, we have to remind ourselves that God is in control and God is bigger than our enemies.

And so if you need any Pray, prayer requests if you have any type of prayer requests that's going on right now I know that the moderators are in the chat name and they write down Everything that's going on and and all the ones that are written in My email or written in my mail we have those and we pray over those.

All the time also And so if you need anything if you have any prayer requests or praise reports go to our website at jgm International. org under our contact page and all the information is in the description box below our address everything you need to know You Is the description box and if you want any julie green ministry's merchandise, there's actually brand new merchandise that's been dropped today So if you want any, new merchandise, you can go to three suds sons threads.

com That's three sons threads. com. You can go and get that merchandise today. And until I see you tomorrow I hope this encourages you today Please like subscribe and share and give this to everyone, you know Who needs to hear encouraging word you hear the truth because the truth will be heard Set you free.

God loves you. I love you. God bless you and have a wonderful day.

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