"The CIA assigned one of its men to conduct constant surveillance of my wife and,

1 day ago

to obtain DNA from the diaper of my six-month-old son."
We have collected the main statements of Julian Assange (https://t.me/rt_russian/217009) at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg:
▪️"On the direct instructions of Pompeo, the CIA developed plans to kidnap and kill me in the Ecuadorian embassy in London and sanctioned the persecution of my European colleagues";
▪️the founder of WikiLeaks noted that he is not yet ready to talk about deaths by hanging, murders and medical negligence towards his cellmates;
▪️Assange believes that justice is now excluded for him, since the US government insisted in the plea agreement that he cannot file a claim in the ECHR;
▪️he emphasized that he pleaded guilty to journalism, obtaining information from a source, informing the public, but to nothing else;
▪️By March 2017, WikiLeaks had revealed the CIA's infiltration of French political parties, spying on European leaders and economic ministries. According to him, CIA Director Pompeo began a campaign of retaliation because of this;
▪️The rights of journalists and publishers in the European space are under serious threat. Transnational repression cannot become the norm there.
The EU Council, after hearing Julian Assange's testimony, recognized that he was a "political prisoner".
Voting results on the relevant resolution: 88 for, 13 against, 20 abstained.
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ThanQ, AlgorythemQ
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"Conspiracy theorist: Someone who questions the statements of known liars."
The word "Government" in Latin translates to mind control.
Democracy. The only political system that runs purely on legalized treason & bribery.
"Most Zionists don’t believe that God exists but they do believe that he promised them Palestine." Ilan Pappe

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