Iranian Professor SPANKS Our Media in Epic Beatdown!

4 months ago

Right, so following last nights retaliatory strike on Israel by Iran, the long expected response for Israeli atrocities committed in not just Iran, but Gaza and Lebanon as well, where an estimated 180 rockets have been fired into Israel, the western media, as we have come to expect, have been full of the usual narratives basically implying Iran bad, Israel good, why aren’t you backing Israel, we’re all backing Israel, look, Keir Starmer has suddenly appeared on TV after seemingly being in hiding for days as Israel attacked Lebanon, to hurriedly ensure that Iran gets condemned for striking Israel as it has and saying the hole of the UK is with Israel at this apparent time of their greatest need. Newsflash Keith, you don’t speak for us, you might have been bought and paid for by the Israel Lobby, but don’t tar us all with that same brush, it’s an insult to common sense.
But coming back to the media, they misstepped and as this footage from Sky News shows, Iranian spokespeople are having none of it and an Iranian-American scholar very much schooled them and the west in what is an epic takedown of the nonsense we’re all being fed by our own media, what that makes us if we believe what such sources are telling us, which is such a far departure from the truth it’s silly.
Right, so that was a clip of Sky News apparently deeply regretting their decision to interview Professor Mohammad Marandi of the University of Tehran and I hope you enjoyed watching this quite happy, smiley looking chap coolly and calmly eviscerate every question put to him there, the interview does go on longer so do look it up to see the rest and check the guy out when he’s been interviewed by other news channels here in the UK too, because he really quite something and whether you agree with what Iran did or not, and obviously nobody wants to see further escalation, nobody can really be so surprised that this is where we are at given the conduct of Israel going back decades but certainly over the last year now, it’s very difficult to not see a lot of the truth in everything Professor Marandi was saying there.
Also, and not being funny, Sky’s Mark Austin bloody asked for it too. I mean, fancy starting an interview by telling the person you’re interviewing that the attack was a failure? 180 ballistic missiles launched, the claim most were intercepted, given so much video footage of explosions across Israel and therefore this attack last night was some sort of failure just doesn’t ring true. We know that Israel has air defence systems, state of the art ones, the Iron Dome defence system, the Arrow Long Range defence system, to my mind, that’s why Iran launched as many missiles as it did, so some got through and it seems some absolutely did! In terms of failure first you have to understand the purpose of the strike. It was a retaliation, it followed on from the assassination of Hamas negotiator Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran last July. It follows on from the assassination of the Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, Hezbollah being Iranian allies, but also as our media constantly omit, because the UK sees Hezbollah as a terrorist organisation, has them proscribed as such, are a political body within Lebanon as well. They are part of Lebanese governance, so its not so cut and dried. But equally Mark Austin’s approach is one of being absolutely one sided, its not journalism it’s client media spokesmanship, Iran bad, Israel good, we’re on Israel’s side, here I am talking to one of the enemy so to speak, there was a barb in that first question, there was a trap to walk into saying it was a humiliation, that many people were saying this and Marandi didn’t walk into it. He simply ripped apart the premise of that question and left Austin wishing the ground would swallow him up I fancy.
Marandi came back saying this is wishful thinking and that this is a massive blow to the Israeli regime and it is, because they think they’re untouchable and certainly footage widely seen on social media implies a lot of ordnance did find its mark and Marandi straight up called out the inherent racism supported by the media, aimed specifically at Austin and Sky News, because Israel is inherently a racist endeavour, built as it is on colonialism and white supremacy in the Middle East and established by Imperial nonsense of days gone by. It is an apartheid state that treats Arabs as second class, occupies their land puts them down and when they resisted, whether you agree with the methods used or not, and I’m certainly not supportive of the methods that were used, they’ve been decimated by way of response and becoming more apparent that this is actually only providing cover for Israel to embark on more land seizure in the name of this Greater Israel project Netanyahu has been demonstrating in speeches, holding up boards where Palestine and the Golan Heights have been omitted and even other images showing Jordan and Lebanon and more under Israeli control as well. The west is avowedly and unashamedly supporting this, so for Professor Marandi to directly say to a British media host, you are supporting racism, he’s not wrong is he? Not when that is what Sky News and Mark Austin, by way of their questioning, are demonstrating?
His second question was arguably even worse than the first though. No sovereign country can put up with having 180 ballistic missiles fired at it, no sovereign country can put up with being attacked then you mean? Like Israel has been doing with Lebanon, with Syria, with Iraq or Yemen, or has everything they’ve done in Gaza and the West Bank for 76 years all been fine just because the West doesn’t recognise Palestinian statehood? It’s like he’s taken that racism accusation and just dug in deeper! You do know this was a retaliation not an aggression don’t you Mark? Go on tell us that it’s disproportionate too given what it’s in response to and I’ll point you to state of Gaza right now after 12 months if Israel’s disproportionate actions, but again Marandi had his card marked when asked about Israel’s certain response because God forbid they don’t retaliate, double standard.
The claims in regards to what Iran may have by way of ordnance certainly is up for debate, because we here in the west actually have very little idea of what Iran actually is sat on, what they could bring to bear. Certainly some of the weaponry the Houthis have been using against Israel from Yemen have caused surprise recently, their hypersonic missiles, which they claim are theirs but are frankly more likely to have come from Iran and what Marandi described as underground bunkers full of missiles, all put in place following US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, well it is believable isn’t it?
But instead of indulging Austin in his warmongering questioning, he changed tack I thought quite cleverly to again come back to this notion of racism and racist support for a racist entity. It’s clever because nobody wants to be seen as a racist, and exposing the actions of Israel and their apartheid along with western support for that, ends up resulting in our governments actions tarring us all as racists by who are representing us. Keir Starmer’s speech last night was rancid, was sickening, once again pledging support to Israel but just because you’re bought and paid for by them as well Keith, doesn’t mean we all are and so many of us don’t support you in this, especially when you’re back to feminising the apartheid genocidal state, by referring to it as she and her again. Marandi pointed out that the difference between those in Israel who the West supports and those in Iran and the strike they conducted on Israel last night was that while Israel commits genocide and is indiscriminate and targets civilians, again all Iranian targets, just as they were last April the last time Iran struck Israel, were all military targets.
The full interview is well worth watching, Mark Austin keeps on digging a hole for himself, talking hypotheticals about a war between Israel and Iran that Iran might lose, if he wasn’t intent on defending the indefensible I might feel a tiny bit sorry for him, but I don’t! Do look up the rest of the interview, do watch out for this guy in future too, because he does crop up from time to time and honestly, he must give western news anchors nightmares, but if they’re going to keep toeing the establishment line, then they deserve it and alt media ends up being where the real news is at, so do support your favourite independent media outlets.
For more on the Iranian attack itself as I covered the breaking news of the strike last night, do check out this video recommendation here as your suggested next watch and I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks.

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