Comments 256-259: Elite Mistakes, See Anna Von Reitz, Slavery Is Slavery & WARNING TO THE ELITES!

2 months ago

Comment 256 is on LINKEDIN. The Elites made critical mistakes that are compounded by errors in judgment that were brought about by their over confidence in the control grids they have established over the years. Comment 257 is on THE CHARLIE WARD SHOW. Why do you White people insist on playing games with yourselves? You White people from the beginning of your rise to world prominence and domination to the present have made the same Mistake over and over for centuries. Comment 258 is also on LINKEDIN. It would really be more beneficial if millions of Black people spent more time and effort instilling "Self Actualization", "Self Sufficiency", "Self Reliance", "Self Realization" and "Self Determination" into their mentalities rather than focusing on the utter failures of the past. Comment 259 is another LINKEDIN Comment. THIS IS A MAJOR WARNING TO THE ELITES: Unlike the Ignorant Masses, I know you are behind all these Useful Idiots that are Suppressing, Oppressing or Censoring Truth by Lying about Community Standards and “Disinformation”.

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