Wolff's Law: Calisthenics & Overcoming Isometrics

1 month ago

The more stress placed on the bones the stronger they get. A solid progression system can achieve this effect with calisthenics. Not only will they become stronger but so will your connective tissues enough to achieve a few reps of the sissy squat. But I was never this strong on the sissy squat and I built up to it. Reaching and repping out with one-legged squats helped me to safely unlock sissy squats. Some of the progressions it takes to get to the one-legged squat I lay out in this: https://www.nervemuscle.com/nerve-muscle-store/p/nerve-muscle-fitness

This stress placed on the bones can also be achieved through exerting force on an immovable object aka overcoming isometrics.

Just Overcoming Isometrics E-book ($10): https://www.nervemuscle.com/nerve-muscle-store/p/overcoming-isometrics-manual

One-on-One Training: https://www.nervemuscle.com/fitness-coaching-options

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